5 dramatic prophecies that will change the world


A strange and difficult year is ending, vastly different from anything we have known. And that makes the expectations we have for 2021 perhaps too optimistic.

Especially when you consider the prophecies he left us Baba Vanga, the famous “Nostradamus of the Balkans”, the woman who anticipated World War II, the end of the former Soviet Union, the attack on the Twin Towers or the Chernobyl disaster among other shocking episodes in world history.

As enigmatic and cryptic in her predictions as the famous French seer, it is the followers of this powerful seer who are responsible for interpreting her and transmitting her messages to the rest of the world.

What will 2021 bring us according to Baba Vanga?

First prophecy: A shocking prediction for the coming year heralds the destruction of the United States. Just as a new president begins in the northern country, the advances of the seer who died in 1996 are not optimistic. “The great ocean nation, which is inhabited by people of different tribes, will be destroyed. It will be for the most part divided and inundated – predicts Baba Vanga – The nation will also have many misfortunes and will lose its colonies in the East. The great nation will be devastated by earthquakes, storms and great waves of water which will cause poverty and disease.

Second prophecy: Natural disasters will not be limited to this place but, according to the famous media outlet, devastating earthquakes will occur all over the world. “The ocean will also flood many other countries, so all coastal towns will live in fear. Many will be destroyed by the waves, most living creatures will die. “

Third prophecy: “Even those who escape (the tsunamis) will die of a horrible disease.” Immediately, the latter made his interpreters think of the coronavirus, the pandemic which has put a brake on the world in 2020 and whose effects could continue to be felt next year.

Fourth prophecy: For this 2021, the Bulgarian fortune teller has predicted a great economic crisis across Europe.

Fifth prophecy: At the political level, Baba Vanga envisioned that China could definitely become the new global superpower. In addition, he announced that there would be an assassination attempt against Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Yet in this dark and tragic perspective, there is at least some positive news. For Baba Vanga the Armageddon will take place in almost three thousand hundred years, so the end of the world will not come before 5079.

The woman who was in contact with the dead: who was Baba Vanga?

To her fans and followers, she was – and still is – a powerful medium. Among other things, they say he could communicate with the dead and had shocking visions for the future.

She said her life was made possible by the presence of special invisible creatures who kept her informed about people and their lives.

The reality is that Vangelia Pandeva Gushterova – known as Baba Vanga– and his successful premonitions have crossed borders and borders, and are expected in the world every year.

The medium was born in the small town of Strumica, Republic of Macedonia on January 31, 1911 and died on August 11, 1996. Orphaned from a young age, she grew up with the help of her neighbors until that his father becomes marry.

According to her own account, the turning point in her life came at the age of 12, when a “tornado” – an extremely rare occurrence in the region – lifted her up into the air and brought her down. projected 400 meters into a nearby field. in which they found it after a long search.

There they noticed her very frightened and with her eyes covered with sand and dust. So much so that he couldn’t open them due to the pain. This resulted in the loss of his vision: from that point on, Baba Vanga went blind.

Paradoxically, despite his blindness, from the age of 16 he began to see what no one else could see. The voices, those she claimed to hear from a different dimension, began to dictate “messages” about events or people. And visions of the future of the world that time will verify.

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