5 Tips to Avoid Annoying Urinary Tract Infections



Aggressive, painful and … avoidable? We present some techniques so that you do not go through this disease that affects more than 50% of women. And if you are a man, do not miss it either, because surely your wife, your sister, your daughter or your friend suffers.

You surely know . If you are a woman, you will probably have it at least once in your life. And if you are a man with a girlfriend, a wife, sisters, girls or friends, it is not strange that you have seen the pain felt by patients with urinary tract infections . In fact, 30% of women suffer recurrently.

Statistics suggest that it is a predominantly female disease, in fact, one in three women has her first case before the age of 24.

Infections of the urethra and / or bladder are frequent and painful and may cause kidney complications, but
Can they be avoided? The answer is yes. How?
BBC Mundo gives you five tips to stay away from these bacteria.

1. Clean the bads from the front to the back after going to the toilet

One of the main sources of germs is closer than we think: in excrement.

  The way to clean up after urinating or defecating has absolutely no importance.
The way to clean after urinating or defecating definitely not the same. Source: LA NACION

"Many women will pee and throw the piece of paper in front, this can take germs from the bad area to the urine and urethra exit areas," says Dr. Fernando Simal at the BBC Mundo, of the Spanish Society of Nephrology, which, he says, is the first piece of advice he always gives to his patients: from the front to the back [19659012] 2. Drink plenty of water and completely empty your bladder while urinating

One of the best known but often the least followed recommendations is to drink plenty of water. This produces what is called "drag effect". "If there is more urine, it causes germs to the outside of the body," says Simal

  The key here is "not to endure, not to endure, not to endure ".
The key here is "do not endure, do not support" Source: LA NACION

But, beware, the effect is counterproductive if you do not go to the bathroom when you feel the urge to urinate. "You should not wait or support a full bladder because germs proliferate."

No? Yes, yes Even if you do not feel like it, it is recommended that women take urine immediately after having bad.

<img src = "http://bucket3.glanacion.com/anexos/fotos/06/2724706w380.jpg" alt = "Although I kill romance, even if you do not feel like it, go to the bathroom immediately after bad Romanticism, even if you do not feel like it, goes to the bathroom immediately after bad Source: LA NACION

"It's a context of movement, germs pbad from one area to another. "BBC Mundo specialist." There is even a group of urinary tract infections badociated with badual intercourse. "

4 Clean, but not obsessive

Obviously, it is good to be hygienic, but not obsessive.

"Excessive washing [urinaryionandgeneralmodifiers] equilibriumwithgerms", saidteacherCecipinetheproliferationofoneegative comparedtonatural andproductiveinfections

5. Eat red cranberries

  Myth or Reality
Myth or Reality? Source: LA NACION

One of the most recommended natural remedies to avoid or even treat urinary tract infection is to eat American cranberries – also known as cranberries -. Myth or reality? "It is true that American cranberry has the effect of eliminating germs in the urine," confirms Simal.

"Today I have seen transplant recipients who have in the treatment of American cranberry capsules because it has a urinary antiseptic effect," comments.

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