5 year old girl brought a sex toy to class


A mother was mortified after receiving a text from another father telling her that her 5-year-old daughter had brought a sex toy to the school. The woman shared how she found out and the parents’ reaction and the whole situation went viral on social media.

Kahla Maneely, of Pennsylvania, said her baby daughter Myla Eisenhower mistook the vibrating ring for a bracelet and gave it to her friend after getting out of the vehicle that took them to school. When the other girl arrived home, she ran to show the gift to her parents, who, as expected, were surprised.

Kahla, 26, shared on the networks the funny exchange of texts she had with the confused father. The conversation on the cell phone started with the mom friend saying, “Hey, **** gave that to **** on the bus today?” along with a picture of a vibrator on a tea towel. “When I saw the picture on the cell phone, it took me a second to connect the dots and my heart sank into the pit of my stomach. I didn’t know what to do, I didn’t know. never felt so embarrassed in my whole life, “Kahla admitted. Luckily, the mum on the other side took the situation with humor and joked, “I guess she stirred your things hahaha.” “Wow, I’m mortified! I don’t even know what to say. I’m so sorry!” She continued her apologies, clarifying that the vibrator had not been used.

What did the girl say? When questioned by her mother and father, Myla spoke of rummaging through her father’s nightstand before going to school. Kahla said bluntly, “I asked her ‘Did you go through daddy’s things?’ She first tried to lie, but then she asked me what it was, because it was “very elastic”. And then I told him to mind his own business. “

What followed was a five-minute sermon for the 5-year-old to understand that she should no longer spy on things from adults.

Kahla Mannely thanked the parents of the Chick who received the artifact as a gift, because they immediately understood the situation and realized that it was an “accident”.

Several mothers have shared their own embarrassing stories on Facebook. One of them revealed a laughing and embarrassing anecdote: “When my son was two years old, he ran out, waving my dildo like a sword.”

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