52% of migrants arriving in Neuquén remain


Among the countries of origin of migrants, Venezuela comes in first with 28%, followed by Bolivia with 24%, Paraguay (15%), Colombia (11%) and Chile (10%). Of the total number of registrations, 42% were initiated by women and 58% by men. The rest is divided into tenure procedures, entry permits and extension requests, among other measures taken. "

"From 2016, the migratory conformation of the country and the region has changed a lot, before there was no impact of Venezuela and they constitute today the most important migration." The order of importance has varied and with different nuances.The deposit is for permanence, "said Ricardo Leszczynski, delegate of the National Directorate of Migration in Neuquén.

As in the late sixties and early seventies, the construction of large dams such as El Chocón generated a significant migration of workers from different parts of the country to Neuquén. The phenomenon Vaca Muerta now produces something similar with immigrants. The foreigners.

28% of people in Neuquén are Venezuelans

They are the most important community. They are followed by Bolivians, Paraguayans, Colombians and Chileans. The percentages are lower in Chinese, Ecuadorian and Brazilian.

In search of employment

"The most attractive sector for them remains the oil sector, but migrants of Bolivian and Paraguayan nationality, for example, tend to seek work opportunities in other activities, such as agriculture and agriculture. construction, "said Leszczynski. With regard to the residence time of foreigners in the province of Neuquén, the migration delegate stated that it is relative and depends on each community, the situation in which the country of origin and personal problems that ultimately are the ones that end. influence a resolution.

In the case of Venezuelans, there are those who expect an improvement in the situation in their country to be able to return at a given moment, while others seek a permanent settlement.

"Argentina is a country that does not have a racial, cultural or religious conflict, and we are unique in this respect and it is tempting to settle it, but there are people whose Sporadic residency is related to the situation in their home country, and if it was bad but it improves, they end up going, "he said.

Bolivians two years ago were the majority

The Venezuelan crisis changed the immigrant map based in Neuquén. Two years ago, Bolivians were at the top of this ranking, doubling the number of Chileans, who until then represented the largest foreign community in the region. Bolivians, now the second largest community, settled on these lands to work as fruit and vegetable growers, textile mills and brick kilns. They feel encouraged by the comments of a family member who has been in the area for some time and who, in this context, found niches that were not being exploited. In addition, they participate in the reactivation of farms in Alto Valle that have been abandoned by their owners.

Venezuelans in Neuquen

Venezuelans are mostly professionals

Although the trend started in 2017, the number of Venezuelan immigrants living in the city of Neuquén has increased by almost 50%. Migration offices serve between five and six people per day and an estimated 75% of them are people with a high academic background, university degree, senior technician or third cycle and masters.

But there are cases, for example, of doctors who work and go to companies and who do not discriminate against any work until they can be placed in a position related to their profession.

Leszczynski noted that in the neighboring city of Rio Negro, 27 Venezuelan doctors have found jobs covering places in the Línea Sur, posts that for Argentine professionals are not attractive. And the same thing could happen to Neuquén. In addition, he warned that migration "does not mean direct competition with the task that can accomplish the nationals, but a complement".

Regarding the disadvantages presented to Venezuelans with the papers allowing to obtain residence, the Head of the Migration Delegation said that certain conditions had been relaxed, as in the case of minors under 16 years. He asked for a birth certificate from Apostille in The Hague, which is no longer necessary today because of difficulties in accessing this material.

Neuquén is the fourth most popular destination for Venezuelans to try their luck and where the oil activity, similar to that of their country of origin, plays a central role.

However, few come directly to the province via an air link to Santiago de Chile.

Venezuelan citizens who have been able to leave their country are considered by the international community not as political exiles or refugees, but as "displaced persons".


By Vaca Muerta, Migrations will do more checks

Venezuelans arrive with the title under the arms


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