526 teeth were extracted from a seven-year-old baby


Fiction did not even consider it in the scariest scenario. The story of P. Ravindran begins when he was taken to the medical center by a major swelling of the jaw. Punctually, bottom right. After many exams, they detected the presence of several hard structures: they had 536 teeth. The case has been listed as Unique in the world.

Experts say this condition could be genetic or environmental. "It's a condition" very rare "called compound odontome, a benign tumor that causes a gum to form many teeth", says Dr. Armando Garibaldi (MN 30671), specialist in oral rehabilitation.

"On the x-ray, they saw several rudimentary teeth located in something similar to a bag. We take five hours to remove all the small teeth, which weighs a total of 200 grams, "said P. Senthilnathan, professor in the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at Saveetha Dental College and Hospital.

"Although the cause of the disease is unknown, genetics could be one of the reasons." The environment could also play an important role.We conducted a study to see if influence radiation of mobile towers"said Dr. Pratibha Ramani, professor and head of the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology.

The type of tumor detected prevented the growth of molars on the affected side of the child. Dentists explained that, thanks to the care early stage, did not affect much the tissue in his mouth and could remove the teeth in a conventional way. "We put general anesthesia on the patient and we eliminate all the "tumor". Do not need reconstruction of the jaw, "added the doctor.

For now, pediatric dentists have stated that the growth of the child's molars would be affected permanently, so it will take implants after his 16 years, he will have no problem for the growth of other teeth.


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