55 more cases of coronavirus among graduates who returned …


Other 55 cases of coronavirus were detected in another contingent of graduates and female graduates of schools from the province of Buenos Aires Cancun this week.

They join the 44 teenagers with covid-19 from the same destination who were reported on Saturday, which included the son of Buenos Aires deputy head of government Diego Santilli.

In addition, two groups belonging to schools in the city of Buenos Aires are stranded in Mexico by the growing wave of infections.

“School has nothing to do with travel because it’s something parents organize. They returned to my daughter’s school last Sunday, but since it is a provincial school (in Pilar), it is not compulsory to take the test in Ezeiza. Our contingent was 88 boys and on arrival 55 tested positiveLaura, mother of one of the affected adolescents, told A24.

According to him, the travel agency “organized a lab in Cancun to certify the RAPs 72 hours before the trip and the only thing we knew was that it cost $ 100.” In Mexico, “they all gave negative results” but “when they arrived in the country, the samples gave other results”, assured the woman.

From February 17 to Monday, 35 schools flew to Cancun via Moon Travel, one of the agencies dedicated to travel for graduates and female graduates abroad.

For reasons of confidentiality, we cannot say which contingents are still in Cancun. Yes, I can certify that 35 schools have moved since mid-February, ”said a spokesperson for the agency.

Risk associated with new variants

Eduardo López, member of the group of infectious diseases advising the government, stressed that It cannot yet be confirmed whether or not those infected have brought any of the newer variants of the coronavirus to the country.

“We don’t have the studies. What I can certify is that if there were so many infections at once, the chin strap was not used and social distance was not respected. There was no care for the teenagers and they were probably all together in poorly ventilated places, ”he noted.

Most worrying, López said, “we don’t know what kind of care exists abroad. It is known that Mexico has a high number of daily infections and that there are no severe containment measures. “ For this reason, insisted the specialist, “we must try to avoid this kind of trip.”

This weekend, by administrative resolution 219/2021 published in the Official Journal with the signature of the Chief of Staff, Santiago Cafiero, the Minister of the Interior Eduardo Wado de Pedro and the Minister of Health Carla Vizzotti, he was decided to maintain the reduction in flight frequencies to and from Mexico and Europe to 30% of capacity and, henceforth, this same limit will apply to aircraft arriving from Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Panama and Chile.

Además, se incrementaron en un 10 por ciento las restricciones que ya existían para los vuelos con Estados Unidos y en un 20 por ciento para los vuelos con Brasil, luego de que se confirmara que no estaba en análisis el cierre de la frontera con el vecino Country.

“Argentines will be discouraged from traveling to countries where infection and death rates are high. Air traffic abroad will be further reduced. Controls on people arriving from abroad will be tightened: PCR and surveillance isolation, ”they said. Government sources.

At the same time, a petition signed, among other researchers, by Andrea Gamarnik, Alberto Kornblihtt, Adrián Paenza and Daniel Feierstein and leading personalities in different fields such as Nora Cortiñas, María Seoane and Alicia Castro, who demand more border restrictions, cancellation of international flights and mandatory 14-day isolation in hotels for returning tourists “regardless of diagnostic studies accredited by travelers”.


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