63 dead in attack at a wedding | Chronic


A loud explosion occurred during the celebration of a wedding left this Saturday "dozens of dead" In the west of the capital, Kabul, Afghan national authorities have told local media that the number of dead and wounded may still vary. At least 63 people have lost their lives and more than 182 have been injured, according to newspapers.

"Shortly before midnight, an explosion occurred in the Shar Dubai wedding hall, in western Kabul, in a region where a majority of Shiites reside ", The Interior Ministry spokesman told reporters: Narrat Rahimi, without giving a specific number of victims.

For his part, the spokesman of the presidential office,
Sediq Sediqqi, reported on the social network
Twitter be "
breeze"for what would have been a suicide attack.

"I am shocked by the news of the suicide attack inside a wedding hall in Kabul .It is a heinous crime against our people.How is it possible to form a human and ask him to blow himself up at a wedding? "Sediqqi was interrogated.

According to the Kabul Emergency Hospital, 182 wounded would have been admitted, but a series of images proposed by the Ministry of the Interior, where many bodies were seen, confirm the balance provided by the hospital, reported the news agency.

The Interior Ministry confirmed the attack and added that the property was congested at the time of the attack, reported the news agency.
Europa Press.

Eyewitnesses confirmed that the room was full of guests and that videos posted on social networks showed women shouting in front of the room and others shocked by the blast.

In this type of ceremony, it is usual to concentrate up to 400 people.

Nobody claimed the attack

The attack has not been claimed by any group, but attacks by insurgent groups such as the Taliban or the Islamic State (IS) are not uncommon in the capital.

The explosion came after more than a week of calm in the Afghan capital.

Ten days ago, a car bomb directed against Afghan security forces by the Taliban entered a bustling area of ​​western Kabul in the same district, killing 14 people and injuring 145 others.

Despite peace talks between the Taliban and US government officials, violence continues in Afghanistan, a country in conflict since the fall of the fundamentalist regime of the movement founded by Mullah Mohamed Omar in 2001.

Earlier, at least 38 Taliban had been killed during operations of security forces in the provinces of Balj and Fará, authorities said.

The biggest clashes took place in the Dawlatbad and Sholgara districts of Balj province, where 35 insurgents were killed and seven others wounded.

Air forces intervened in this confrontation, according to the Afghan news agency Jaama Press, which also refers to the discovery of an important arsenal.


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