7 ways to kill bacteria in the mouth and stop bad breath


By Genial Guru

Jul 07, 2018- 15:17

No one would like to have bad breath, however, according to a survey, between 35% and 45% of people in the world suffer from bad breath at a time of the day. Americans spend about $ 10 billion on oral hygiene products (eg, mints, chewing gum, mouthwash, toothpaste, etc.) to fight bad breath every year.

According to Genial.guru Here are the 7 simple ways to fight bad breath, using things you probably already have in your home:

1-Use natural mouthwash and fresheners Breath

-The mint leaves to fight bad breath and fresh mouth.

-Species such as clove, cardamom and fennel seeds are excellent for fighting bad breath

– Sodium bicarbonate is another natural mouthwash available Simply dissolve a spoon Coffee baking soda in a cup of water and use it to rinse your mouth. Alternatively, you can also soak your wet toothbrush in baking soda and use it to clean your teeth.

2-Drink at least 2 liters of water a day

Stay hydrated has many health benefits, and avoid the bad breath is just one of them. Saliva prevents bacterial growth and water is needed for the salivary glands to function effectively. Drinking water is paramount when it comes to preventing bacterial growth and bad breath caused by inadequate moisture and saliva in the mouth. Avoid sugary juices at night, as they can help bacteria to accumulate while you sleep.

3-Pay attention to what you eat!

that some foods cause bad breath, so it is best to avoid them if you want your mouth does not smell bad and better smells like fresh mint. Onions and garlic are the most common culprits when it comes to causing bad breath. But remember also not to completely eliminate onions, as research shows that eating onions in moderation kills 4 different types of bacteria that can cause tooth decay and gum disease. Also avoid foods high in fructose or acid because they promote bacterial growth.

If you're hungry, try eating apples or yogurt. Apples contain heteropolysaccharide pectin, which stimulates saliva production, while yogurt cultures help reduce bacteria in the mouth.

4-Scratching Your Tongue

Your tongue may be a cauldron for smelly bacteria. After brushing your teeth, use your toothbrush to scratch the tongue of bacteria, by-products of bacteria or plaque. You can also use a scraper for this language.

5-Brush three times a day and floss at least once

Brush your teeth 2 minutes, 3 times a day and floss at least once a day day. One study showed that just over 55% of women brush their teeth three times a day and that the percentage of men who suffered from it was even lower, with only 49%. Brushing and flossing help eliminate entrapped foods and odor-causing bacteria from the mouth.

6-Keep Your Gums Healthy

Bacteria accumulate in the pockets at the base of the teeth, creating a bad odor. It is known that gum disease causes bad breath. To keep your gums healthy, choose a toothpaste containing fluoride. In addition, quit smoking because smoking weakens your immune system and is strongly badociated with the occurrence of gum related problems.

In addition, smoking makes healing of the gums more difficult once they have been damaged. 19659004]

7-chew a fruit bark

Rinse a bark of a citrus fruit, such as a lemon or an orange, before putting it in the mouth then to chew it. Not only will this give your breath an explosion of freshness, but citric acid will also stimulate the salivary glands to produce more saliva, which is the natural defense of the mouth against bad breath and the acids responsible for the plaque dental.

Now that you know these incredible ways to repel bad breath, spread the word among your friends.


Bad breath

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