71-year-old man presumed dead after accident woke up inside body bag | the Chronicle


The miraculous event happened last Tuesday in the city of Araguaine, in the state of Tocantins, Federal Republic of Brazil. Raimundo Nonato Santana, 71, can already tell he has a separate god. After a motorcycle accident, doctors came to assist him and found that he no longer had any vital signs. He was pronounced dead and placed in a body bag to be transferred to the morgue, when he suddenly started to breathe.

He was a policeman and the journalist Geovanni Pereira, who came to cover the news, those who noticed that the bag “moved”. Both called the officers and began to provide first aid to the victim. “When I arrived the bag was closed. I was taking pictures and a policeman noticed that the bag was moving. They opened it and I saw that there was an air bubble coming out of the corner of his mouth. I massaged him for ten minutes. “Pereira explained.

Santana sold kebabs in the town of Araguaína. The incident happened on his motorbike on a busy avenue, while he was going to do some shopping. In the middle of the journey, he started to feel unwell and fell out of the vehicle. Two ambulances from Emergency medical care service (Samu) treated him but saw no signs of life. There he was declared deceased and within minutes the tragedy would be reported in the Brazilian media.

Brazilian tweeters commented on the case and most claimed that decades ago they had not heard of such a miracle. On the other hand, several users questioned the medical service and suspected a conspiracy. “How is it possible that they left him for dead? “, “Investigate the doctors” O “Justice for the old man” were some of the comments.

Ambulances have transferred Santana to hospital and relatives are awaiting the medical report. The journalist considers what happened “a miracle”. The Health Secretary of Araguaína confirmed that the Samu teams attempted to resuscitate the old man and discovered he was dead. Therefore, an investigation will be conducted to clarify what happened and confirm the facts.


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