8 Argentinean restaurants, among the best in Latin America – together


This Thursday and for the first time, the 50 best restaurants in Latin America, sponsored by S. Pellegrino and Acqua Panna who is preparing for the seventh edition, were held in Buenos Aires.

There were 250 jurors who voted and eight Argentinean restaurants listed (two less than in the 2018 edition): Don Julio (No. 4), Mishiguene (No. 20), Tegui (No. ° 25), Chila (N 29), El Baqueano (No. 39), Elena (No. 45), Grand Dabbang (No. 46) and Narda Dining Room (No. 50).

The podium was kept by Maido in Lima, Peru, who was also number one last year.

"He is one of the pioneers and the best in this field to spread the Nikkei's cuisine in Latin America and around the world.This cuisine is a fusion of Peruvian and Japanese cuisine.His chef, Mitsuharu Tsumura, is a descendant of Japanese immigrants, place went to Japan to internalize, "he said. Chain 3 Natalia Torres, journalist of the newspaper The nation, specialized in gastronomy.

The chef has other restaurants in Lima where prices are more accessible and open to the general public.

"Whoever travels to Peru and has the money to sit in Maido is worth it because it will have not only the best Peruvian seafood, but also desserts and adventurous dishes."

In the Top Five, Don Julio's Grill has managed to position itself in fourth place. "It's a place with a wave of grilling, but when you sit down, you see an incredible selection of cuts, which distinguishes it from the quality and nobility of the raw material. and the meat comes from animals fed on the grass. "

Monteagudo Geo Report.


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