8M: feminist referents detail their main demands


Ada Rico, president of the civil badociation La Casa del Encuentro

We consider fundamental the existence of preventive measures to reduce the rates of violence against women. To do this, we are asking for the allocation of the necessary budget for the implementation of gender equality policies in all state dependencies (national, provincial and municipal). In turn, we believe in the need to train on the problem and deal with the problem of the field of education. Only education can eradicate the patriarchal culture that perpetuates gender-based violence and deconstruct patriarchal foundations to achieve real equality between men and women. That is why we call for the inclusion of the topic of gender-based violence in all educational programs at different levels and call for mandatory training of judges, prosecutors, lawyers, security forces and professionals working on the topic of gender-based violence. of gender violence in different countries. public bodies throughout the country.

As of the 8th of 2018, society has become more aware of this problem. And this undoubtedly indicates that it is possible to continue to progress until the realization of a more just and equal society for all.

Julieta Ortega, actress, member of Actrices Argentinas

Personally, from last year to this one, many things have changed because the Actresses Argentinas Collective has been formed, of which I am a part. We are meeting, in principle, to fight for the legal, safe and free law of abortion to be addressed and approved by Congress, and that is the reason why we continue to struggle today. ; hui. To this, it has been added to ask the girls to continue to be girls; that it ends with misogynist, homophobic and transphobic violence; the fight for our right to speak; that the law of Comprehensive bad education in all schools; and ending gender-based violence, as a woman dies every two days in Argentina.

A few years at this party, on the way back, changed everything. Today, Women's Day is used to claim our rights, and five or six years ago, they simply congratulated us and offered us flowers. Fortunately, they have changed a lot of things here and around the world.

Nadia Fink, writer and creator of the Antiprincesses collection at Editorial Chirimbote

My main demands are not individual because women, bads, transvestites and trans people come to build collectively. The demands are general: on the one hand, it is against gender-based violence and for the respect of our rights. We agree that this is a strike, with which the worker is at the center of the claim. When we talk about workers, we are not just talking about unequal pay and working conditions for the same jobs; but we also think of women who take care of the tasks of protection and home economics, which is also work and which is not remunerated. This international strike is the way we build women, weave links without flags and nation-state borders, and multi-national because we also believe in the legacies and presence of our ancestors and indigenous peoples. In addition, it is a stop where we can all, it is important to underline it, because we believe that diversity is the place where we are all and all. On my behalf, as a representative of Editorial Chirimbote, we also walk for free children, with all their rights: food, shelter, play and who can flourish in all the diversity they want. We are walking for the law on integral badual education, so that it is respected and enforced; against child abuse and against non-compliance with the legal interruption of pregnancy that claims to mothers mothers while they should be full of other rights.

The change between another 8M and this one is that, on the one hand, the male violence is increasing and, on the other hand, we think more and more of a planetary movement, more and more organized and powerful. This year, we are much more organized, it is very positive even if the levels of violence increase. This means that it is more visible, that it is not allowed and that our struggle is strengthened.

Marcela Ojeda, journalist and member of NiUnaMenos 2015

On March 8, during the International Women's Strike and as part of Workers' Day, we will be on the streets to share our space of struggle and meeting to make visible again that in this context of financial and economic crisis Argentina, we are the women and mainly the women in charge of home economics who suffer the most nowadays before the adjustment, before the flexibilisation of the work, the precarisation and also the layoffs, as much on the formal labor market as in the informal sector. . In Argentina, we are claiming this right, which belongs to us and which is already acquired socially, namely the legalization of abortion, legal abortion, insurance and gratuitousness. We also call on governments and states to adopt public policies to eliminate violence against women, all forms of violence that we experience from an early age. It is a space of struggle and irrevocable and irrevocable reunion.

The situation of working women has worsened during this last period: from March 8 to today, mainly for those who are responsible for the care and education of their children as sole breadwinner . On the other hand, with regard to the agenda of the women's movements' demands, there are already debates that are obsolete; for example, which has to do with the legalization of abortion, despite a ferocious outpost that criminals do in different parts of the country with the complicity of the state and the Church. This past year is an advantage for the women's movement because we are becoming more and more heterogeneous, more powerful, younger and also with more large people who are changing paradigms.

Romina Del Plá, member of the Left Front and secretary of SUTEBA La Matanza

This 8M highlights the importance of the women's movement at the national and international levels, its anchoring in its daily tradition of working women, and that is why it has adopted this format of national and international unemployment which is taking more and more importance. not only in our country but in the whole world. In this sense, the demands of women, youth, and badual dissent gaining center stage have to do with the right to legal, risk-free, and free abortion; pursue all claims related to the struggle for reproductive health rights, the completion of the termination of pregnancy, end this torture situation where forced girls are forced to become mothers compulsively. This policy is carried out not only by the national government, which signs agreements with the Evangelical Church so that they can be badisted by public funds to advise pregnant women in vulnerable situations. That is, they give them funds to help them avoid the application of the laws in force that allow the termination of pregnancy in case of violation. We see how a state is attacking the rights of girls and women and at this stage these issues are of paramount importance. Added to this are all claims against the adjustment of Macri, the governors and the IMF, because we are women and badual dissent the first victims of precarious work, dismissals, low wages, lack of gardens maternal and paternal to be able to leave our children when we have to work, the lack of scholarships to be able to continue studies and schooling. The impact of the crisis on women and opponents is intensifying and that is all we will put on the street in a year that starts with a terrible number of femicides: there are 54, but we can do more. At the same time, very serious cases of raped girls are forced to be mothers; with layoffs and suspensions that become commonplace for Argentines.


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