8M: the shocking transformation of AMLO’s “peace wall” into an anti-monument for femicide victims in Mexico


Mexico City, March 5, 2021
Mexico City, March 5, 2021

The government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador erected fences around the National Palace days before the feminist march on March 8, International Women’s Day. Its officials assured that it was a “wall of peace” intended to prevent damage to historic districts, which scandalized the public.

Mexico City, March 6, 2021
Mexico City, March 6, 2021
Mexico City, March 6, 2021
Mexico City, March 6, 2021

However, on the night of March 6, a group of women went to the National Palace and painted the names of femicide victims on the three-meter-high fences, make the “peace wall” an anti-monument to demand justice for the victims of violence in Mexico.

Mexico City, March 6, 2021
Mexico City, March 6, 2021
Mexico City, March 6, 2021
Mexico City, March 6, 2021
Mexico City, March 6, 2021
Mexico City, March 6, 2021

There is no way to silence the righteous demands of women, no matter how hard they try. Intervention of CDMX colleagues in the wall surrounding the national palace, listing the names of femicide victims in the country”Wrote the Brujas del Mar collective when they shared the pictures of the pints.

Mexico City, March 6, 2021
Mexico City, March 6, 2021
Mexico City, March 6, 2021
Mexico City, March 6, 2021
Mexico City, March 6, 2021
Mexico City, March 6, 2021

Among the names that stood out on the “peace wall” was that of Ingrid Escamilla, Brenda Josselín, Wendy, Paloma, María Assaf, Ivonne Jocelyn, Eloisa, María de Jesús and Fátima, to highlight.

Mexico City, March 6, 2021
Mexico City, March 6, 2021
Mexico City, March 6, 2021
Mexico City, March 6, 2021

Photos: Reuters, Cuartoscuro, Brujas del Mar

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