9/11: Evo Morales denounces that the United States used the attacks to impose the “war on terror” | By Twitter


20 years after the attacks on twin towers, the former president of Bolivia, Evo Morales, warned that from this tragedy, the United States used the unfortunate deaths of citizens to impose its doctrine of war on the world.

“When the world remembers the attacks against the Twin Towers of 9/11/2001, we must warn American imperialism has used the unfortunate losses of American citizens to impose on the world the doctrine of “preventive war” and “war on terror”, shared on a Twitter thread.

In this sense, he argued that “with the excuse of ‘war on terror’, Bush and the White House hawks have carried out transnational acts of state terrorism to invade countries and criminalize social movements that we have termed “terrorists” by rulers servile to the empire. “

And he concluded: “This reiteration of US security policy has caused the loss of thousands of innocent lives. This date helps us affirm that life, dignity and peaceful coexistence are the most important assets of the free peoples of the world. “

The attacks on the Twin Towers in New York and other targets in the United States perpetrated by the terrorist organization Al-Qaeda served as an argument for the White House to invade Afghanistan in a so-called war on terrorism. Nine days after the September 11 attacks, President Bush ordered a counterterrorism crusade launched by his country.

Along with the United Kingdom, in October 2001 the United States launched Operation Enduring Freedom, the official name for the war in Afghanistan, which was later joined by several member countries of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. (NATO) and other allies. .

The crusade caused, according to a report by Brown University, 2,448 deaths among the US military with 20,000 wounded, while the deaths of Afghan soldiers and police reached 66,000, and those of other Allied soldiers, including those of other NATO countries, they added. 1,144.

Twenty years after the Twin Towers attack, the perpetrators have still not been convicted and the United States has ended up chaotically abandoning Afghanistan, having invaded it in retaliation, thus freeing up space for the return of the Taliban. .


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