9/11: lies and their reasons | Opinion


Twenty years after the tragedy of September 11, the various official reports on the Twin Towers attack in New York have aroused well-founded skepticism. Under the pressure of protests from relatives of the victims, multiple social organizations and several networks of American scientists (engineers, architects, physicists, etc.) Joe Biden issued an executive order ordering the declassification of documents and evidence held by the Department of Justice within a maximum period of six months. Those who demand it are convinced that the final report of the “National Commission on the Terrorist Attacks on the United States” hides more than it shows. For example, how to understand why the US Air Force, which in the months leading up to 9/11 had carried out 67 successful interceptions of stray flights, allowed the four planes used by the terrorists to deviate from their route that day without none of them. be intercepted, even after knowing what happened in the Twin Towers? Whoever hit the Pentagon stayed out of its way for 40 minutes undisturbed by any American combatant, one of whose bases, Andrews, is located just minutes from the Pentagon.

The report also does not examine suspicions of Bin Laden’s untimely death a few years after the attack. He suffered from severe kidney problems and because he was diabetic he was insulin dependent, requiring him to have regular dialysis, which is highly unlikely, if not impossible, being hidden in rugged caves in Afghanistan. Suppose you were able to do this for a few years, but in a BBC interview the former Prime Minister of Pakistan, Benazir Bhutto (November 2, 2007) stated that Osama bin Laden was killed after September 11. It is still a grim coincidence that she herself was murdered shortly after making this revelation (December 27), and the video of the interview was subsequently censored by the BBC.


How to explain the thunderous silence of the Report on the fate of the tower 7 of the complex of the World Trade Center, which mysteriously collapsed at 4:56 p.m. on the same 9/11 and had not been hit by a plane. This building housed among other federal government agencies some secret service offices of the White House, the CIA, the IRS (the federal government’s tax agency) and the anti-terrorism unit of the city of New York. The way this 47-story tower collapsed clearly fits the model of “controlled demolition”, which involves the detonation of powerful explosive charges strategically installed in the foundation of the building that knock it down in “free fall”. Eyewitnesses interviewed in the documentary “Inflection Point”, on the Netflix platform, claim to have heard a formidable explosion seconds before the collapse of Towers 1 and 2, something completely inconsistent with the official explanations which insist that it was the planes that caused the fall. of them. Moreover, how to explain the fall of Tower 7 – separated from 1 by Vesey Street and the huge Tower 6 – and without the latter having suffered any damage, or that Tower 4 almost collapsing? hanging from Tower 2?

These are some of the inconsistencies behind the disbelief of large sectors of American society about what really happened on September 11th. Suspicions that have mounted on the repeated lies of the White House. The famous report of the Warren Commission of 1964 which “certified” that John F. Kennedy he was killed by a lone wolf, Lee Harvey Oswald, has been torn apart by critics and seen as a travesty of the people of the United States. There are many other antecedents that it would take a long time to list here: the “surprising and unexpected” attack on Pearl Harbor in December 1941 was neither because the intelligence services of the United States knew of the departure of the Imperial Army. Japanese fleet in the Eastern Pacific and whose sole military objective was this Pacific Fleet station. But the indignant reaction of public opinion to the Japanese attack allowed Roosevelt to have a popular consensus to enter World War II.

Ben Laden

The unbelief that is reinforced by the famous hunt and death of Osama Bin Laden in Abbotabad, Pakistan, coincidentally a few months before the tenth anniversary of the Towers attacks. How is it possible that the world’s most wanted man is in a prominent building in this town, very close to a military barracks, without a large armed group of militants to defend him, that no one leaves the city? home when one of the helicopters that carried the Seals of the Navy collapsed and burned on the dividing wall of the house, or that he was unarmed when his captor confronted him and did not use a woman who was in the house as human shield ? Was it Bin Laden or not? We will never know because until today the United States government has not provided any evidence that would identify the deceased and to top it off they threw him to the bottom of the sea. In the aforementioned documentary, one of the witnesses claims to have been “recognized” by his ears, a very uncertain and unusual method of identifying people. But, of course, for Washington, keeping the fiction of a “murderer on the loose” for ten years was a brilliant pretext to make its hawkish plans and the huge expansion of military spending more acceptable. And to start a long war in Afghanistan which would be a prelude to the invasion of Iraq to seize the enormous oil wealth of this country. To this end the White House, a serial liar if ever there was one, accused Saddam Hussein of possessing or developing “weapons of mass destruction”. This lie has been repeated over and over throughout the Western “serious press” (in fact, a corrupt media sewer that immorally manipulates information and says what the masters of the world tell it). Time later, Colin Powell, former secretary of state in the Bush administration, would confess to having relied on false information when he declared to international public opinion and the UN Security Council that “there were weapons of massive destruction in Iraq ”.

The truth is that, twenty years after the attacks, the transparency of the United States government and its reliability as an international actor have been irreparably damaged. September 11 sparked an orgy of war unprecedented since the days of the Vietnam War which brought in fabulous profits for the military-industrial-financial complex (Remember that all of these wars were financed by loans, not tax increases) and fueled the illusion that this would be the “American Century.” A dream turned into a nightmare with the catastrophic flight of American troops when Kabul fell into the hands of the Taliban.


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