9-year-old girl stole her parents’ car to “swim in the ocean” and hit a tractor the Chronicle


In the early hours of Thursday, two policemen from West Valley, Utah they were called into an accident on the highway. A car had collided with a trailer, and upon confronting the driver of the vehicle, the men in uniform were surprised: at the wheel, he was a 9 year old girl.

As reported by the local police department in their account Twitter, the girl and her four year old sister, who was in the passenger seat, officers were told they were surrendering California in order to “swim in the ocean“.

The desire to visit the beaches led the girls to steal his parents’ car late at night and left. After checking to see that the elders were sleeping, the 9-year-old took her sister into the car, sat her in the front seat and set off.

With the oldest at the wheel for the first time in his life, the sisters came on tour almost 16 kilometers on the highway. Before the crash that would stop his adventure the car brushed against a truck, but the owner decided not to stop assuming the driver of the car suffered from a disability.

“The girls drove about 10 miles from their homes in West Jordan“, told the thread of Twitter of the local police. But the adventure suddenly came to an end when, taking a bad exit looking to change the route, collided with a tractor which was parked by the highway.

The car was seriously damaged. Even the semi had to be towedpolice reported. When the driver’s airbag inflated, the one in the passenger seat does not have. Fortunately, the two minors have not been damaged thanks to the seatbelt they both thought about fastening.

This is how the two police officers who went to the scene of the crash found them, and who could not believe their eyes at the sight of the young drivers:


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