95-year-old grandfather committed suicide after his savings were stolen with "Uncle's Tale" | Chronic


A 95 year old man has committed suicide after losing all his savings after being scammed under the "uncle story" mode.

This is what happened in the region of Traslasierra, in Córdoba, when a woman contacted her grandfather and imitated her granddaughter. He then told her that she was working in a bank and that, as a result of a US decision, it was imperative to urgently change her dollars. The old man handed him 95,000 (5,700,000 pesos).

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"You had a few dollars, grandpa, is not it?"He told her and told him that he was going to send a colleague from the bank to withdraw the money to change it. The grandfather, believing that it was his granddaughter, gave his personal data without any problem.

Then a well-dressed man came to his home, showed his references to trout, and the 95-year-old handed over the dollars.

Part of the money removed by the investigators.

"The man has fallen on disappointment. He gave all the money to the guy. All the money he had in the house. The subject had arrived in a car and left without arousing suspicion, commented a source of the cause, in the newspaper La Voz.

When the grandfather became aware of what had happened, he drank a green liquid that caused severe intoxication. He died some time later.

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The investigators of the case have been able to locate since the patent of the car until the delinquent of Buenos Aires-Moreno party. The money had been "reinvested" in the purchase of two 0-kilometer cars. Instead, they removed several phones, chips, computers, among other things. Now, it remains only to catch the fake granddaughter.

One of the vehicles that the offender bought with the stolen money.


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