Fernando Iglesias criticizes Eduardo Duhalde for justifying his VIP vaccination


Wrapped up in the scandal of VIP vaccination, The former president Edouard Duhalde this Thursday, June 3, justified his coronavirus vaccination in the form of february irregular, recounted the details of the process and underlined the “anti-vaccine“. His words were not well received by the national deputy PRO, Fernando Iglesias placeholder image, who criticized him on social media.

Interviewed by the channel LN +, the former governor of Buenos Aires began to explain why he was involved in the VIP vaccination: “In the United States, they gave it to former presidents, they gave it to (Bill) Clinton, to (Barack) Obama. For the moment the anti-vaccines were very strong. In December I am told “Can you get vaccinated with Cristina?”‘. I told them I had no problem. ‘We have one for the Riojan (Carlos menem) who died poor man and we have another one for Adolfo (Rodríguez Saá) but Adolfo solved it in his province. “

“But I told them, I’m going to get the shot, but I’m never gonna get the shot until they give it to Chiche that we are three years apart. Chick say i’m oldI am not old He would never give me a vaccine if my wife didn’t give it to him. “, Express Edouard Duhalde.

In this sense, he specified that the idea proposed to him by the Government was to take a joint photo with the former presidents, including the current vice-president. Cristina Kirchner: “It was a common photo. I had no problem, but I make it a condition that they also vaccinate Chiche. For example, They gave Massa the vaccine and I’m fine. But I don’t think Massa gave himself the vaccine without also giving it to his wifeIf he didn’t, it would be very serious. “

The video of the interview was shared on Twitter by Fernando Iglesias who pointed out the former national president for his explanation: “Comrade Duhalde explains to us that the The fault of having been vaccinated with the lady in front of the health staff is the anti-vaccination of the opposition. Yes he doesn’t dare name Menem, which makes him governor of the province and vice-president. The Riojan says #PJasco “.

In his explanation, Duhalde continued: “The vaccine they gave me was given to 2 million Argentines. They vaccinated my daughters and Carla Vizzotti explained it; I didn’t want them to apply it, nor the Russian vaccine.”

“I hope the vaccines will arrive soon. They were vaccinating people over 80 and former presidents. It was a decision made by the government. Justice can’t call me, and if they call me I won’t go. I I did not ask that they come to give me the vaccine. A former secretary of mine called me on the phone telling me that in 2 hours they would come to vaccinate me and him too. I did what they asked me to do, “he concluded.


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