He is Argentinian and has been working as a delivery man in Germany for 9 months: he collected the tip coins and the amount collected went viral


Gonzalo Pérez broke the piggy bank and couldn't believe the money he collected in coins
Gonzalo Pérez broke the piggy bank and couldn’t believe the money he collected in coins

April 15 marked two years since Gonzalo Perez He left Ezeiza airport for Europe with an uncertain route. He lived a few months in Madrid, others in Salamanca (where he completed a Masters in Economic Analysis of Law and Public Policy at the University of Salamanca) and before the coronavirus pandemic broke out he was able to visit different countries of the Old Continent such as Slovakia, Hungary, Austria, Poland and Bulgaria.

Settled in Berlin since last year, in September 2020 he started working as a delivery man and the profits he manages to obtain each month are so surprising that his posts go viral.

From his Twitter @soygonzaloperez recounts his experiences as if he were participating in a reality show, where he has thousands of followers and as many hateful who question his messages and criticize him for his high exposure.

“I started working in delivery in Germany in September of last year. Since then, I have been collecting tips. A few hours ago I opened my piggy bank and I had 2,118.50 euros ”, Gonzalo tweeted with an image where he is seen counting a mountain of coins on the table.

This is the bike that Gonzalo uses to deliver to Berlin
This is the bike that Gonzalo uses to deliver to Berlin

The photo was taken by friends, who are the owners of a Vietnamese restaurant called “Umami” and since they needed change, they offered Gonzalo to exchange those coins for banknotes. “We are talking about an average of 235.38 euros per month”, he detailed.

But we must add another clarification: it is what he received in hand. If you have to count the tip you received via the delivery application, this figure is even higher: you have to add between 100 and 150 euros per month.

“If we go to the parent for the purpose of giving an example, nothing more than the contents of the piggy bank could buy a Honda CBR 125 or a Yamaha YBR 125, both of which are used,” said Gonzalo, who clarified that he would allocate the proceeds to pay for his graduate studies in law.

Despite the significant savings figure, the young man highlights the possibility of being able to deposit the parts in a closed container without having to worry about the loss of their purchasing power: “If inflation were high, it would be impossible to have a piggy bank ”.

Of the 2,000 euros he earns on average per month, he spends barely 5% on shopping at the supermarket. In addition, as proof, he shared in his networks the ticket of what he spent to fill his refrigerator and his cupboard for two weeks when a total of 54.41 euros. “This is what I earn in less than five hours by doing the delivery”revealed.

Gonzalo spent, on average, 55 euros every two weeks to live
Gonzalo spent, on average, 55 euros every two weeks to live

Currently, lives in a student residence which costs 300 euros per month because you want to lead an austere life that saves you as much money as possible. “You have roommates ranging from 400 euros to 500 euros and there are studios from 800 euros. The rental is not that expensive ”, he illustrated after being questioned by Infobae.

For Gonzalo, the most important thing is to feel that the effort is worth it since he said that he knows a lot of people in other countries who work more hours than him and in more qualified positions and do not are not as well rewarded as him.

“I’m not saying emigrating is easy or difficult. The only thing I can assure you, based on my personal experience, is that every second was worth it and I would do it again. You must come with a lot of desire to work», He underlined.

His assessment: Gonzalo received a tip of 10 euros
His assessment: Gonzalo received a tip of 10 euros

Although when Gonzalo left Argentina he thought of coming back at some point, every day he is more convinced that his future lies outside the country. He remarks that the economic stability he achieved in Berlin has reduced the weight of his uncertainty and that he can now focus his thinking on other issues.

“I would like to continue to study, have my business and continue to invest. Always based on work and give everything. My goal is not to accumulate but to see how far I can go “he proudly admitted his achievements.

Gonzalo posted his salary receipt on the networks: last month he earned 1,700 euros working as a delivery man
Gonzalo posted his salary receipt on the networks: last month he earned 1,700 euros working as a delivery man

He said that he always wanted to spend a few years on tour in Europe but that now, with the economic and health situation in Argentina, his future will continue there: “I have finished convincing myself that I will do my job. life on that side. Even though at the beginning I thought it was going to be temporary, now it’s final ”.

Gonzalo’s intention is invest the money saved in another master but related to economics, data analysis and programming. “This is something that is in great demand here in Europe. I want to complement the theoretical knowledge with this knowledge more applicable to the private sphere and devote myself to this, ”said the young man, who plans to return to Spain in the short term to resume his studies.

Although he never imagined he would end up working as a delivery lawyer, Gonzalo admitted that it was a friend of his who lived in Denmark who finally convinced him: “I was very surprised when he told me how much he was making. I had just finished my master’s degree in Spain and he his visa in Denmark and we saw that we had the possibility to apply for a visa in Germany to work on the same thing and we both ended up in Berlin ”.

Gonzalo Pérez, at the Bradenburg gate: the selfie was taken at the end of one of his working days
Gonzalo Pérez, at the Bradenburg gate: the selfie was taken at the end of one of his working days

Contrary to what is happening in Argentina, where the staff who make the distributions work independently and must register for the Monotax, in Germany it is a work in a relationship of dependency.

I still have two months of Visa in Germany. I estimate that I will get around 15,000 euros of cleaning this year. It must be said that I tried very hard, I worked 40 hours a day per week and I was never absent, not even on snowy days, ”remarked Gonzalo, who is betting on“ making a mattress ”to leave. zero in Spain.


He is Argentinian and talks about what it is like to live in the happiest country in the world: “There are no poor people here and no one is in trouble because they cannot reach the people. two ends.
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