Uruguayan Ministry of Health fined Congress $ 6,000 for failing to follow health protocols: what will the money be used for


People at the vigil of the Minister of the Interior, Jorge Larrañaga (EFE / Raúl Martínez)
People at the vigil of the Minister of the Interior, Jorge Larrañaga (EFE / Raúl Martínez)

Uruguayan Ministry of Public Health fined Legislative Palace by verifying that health protocols were not respected during the vigil of the Minister of the Interior, Jorge Larrañaga, died on May 22, confirmed Efe this Friday from the sources of this portfolio.

It is a fine of approximately $ 6,000 that the Parliament of this country will assume and will not deposit any “discharge” to avoid the sanction, according to the sources.

For the fine to take effect ten days must pass from the moment of notification until its formal application, they added.

The Minister of Public Health, Daniel Salinas, commented on Twitter that the money raised will go “in the background Covid”, Created by the Uruguayan executive to alleviate the economic crisis generated by the pandemic, and that, therefore,“return to Citizen (sic) ”.

This tweet was in response to an Internet user who asked him, “At the end of the day, we pay. As usual. It does not seem fair to me ”.

The minister's mortal remains were veiled on May 23 for three hours in the Hall of the Lost Steps of the Legislative Palace (EFE / Raúl Martínez)
The minister’s mortal remains were veiled on May 23 for three hours in the Hall of the Lost Steps of the Legislative Palace (EFE / Raúl Martínez)

The minister’s mortal remains were veiled on May 23 for three hours in the Hall of Lost Steps of the Legislative Building, after the executive decreed funeral honors in his honor.

They attended the ceremony representatives of the entire political arena from the South American country, headed by its president and colleague, Luis Lacalle Pou.

The Vice-President of Uruguay and President of the General Assembly, Beatriz Argimón, argued this Thursday at Channel 10 that, although “there were two times” when “everyone respected” the use of masks, Protocol officials were unable to move people around the room and crowded together.

“The people who attended the vigil followed the protocols. It is difficult for an official to ask ministers or government authorities to move around, ”he said.

After the wake of the Legislative Assembly, the funeral procession left for Paysandú (west), where Larrañaga was born on August 8, 1956 and where he was buried on May 24.

The wake of the Uruguayan Congress
The wake of the Uruguayan Congress

However, before leaving Montevideo, the entourage passed through the historic headquarters of the National Party (center-right), one of the five that make up the government coalition and in which the Minister of the Interior had been active since his youth.

At the gates of the building, Archbishop of Montevideo Daniel Sturla said some prayers amid another spontaneous gathering of people, this time outside. A few days later, it was learned that the priest tested positive for COVID-19 and that he had skipped preventive quarantine while awaiting said result.

The 64-year-old minister died of a cardiopulmonary arrest from which he was unable to recover despite attempts to resuscitate the health services who treated him in a private home.

His death forced a double variation in the cabinet of Lacalle Pou: until then Minister of Transport and Public Works, Luis Alberto Heber, assumed the Interior; and José Luis Falero, until then deputy director of the Planning and Budget Office (OPP), replaced Heber.

(With information from EFE)


Jorge Larrañaga, Minister of the Interior of Uruguay, has died
The moving farewell of one of Jorge Larrañaga’s sons to his father: “I will take you high and full of pride”

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