The parliamentary friendship group with the United States was renewed before Sergio Massa’s trip


The President of the National Chamber of Deputies, Sergio massa, advance in its international agenda. The leader of the Renewal Front continues to forge relations abroad, in particular with two of the countries which are today the axis of the international system: the United States and China.

In the coming days, Massa will leave for the United States with an agenda of meetings with various personalities in the political life of the Joe Biden administration with an influence on the definitions that may affect Argentina today and in the future.

In the previous one, the Argentine parliament had a founding meeting of the Parliamentary Friendship Group with the United States, something promoted from the Presidency of the Chamber of Deputies, which will mark the kickoff of Massa’s tour of the United States.

The commission is chaired by the member of the Front de Todos Laura Russo, and the member for radicalism is also part of the committee Karina Banfi and his co-religionist Alejandro Cacace, Silvia Lospennato from PRO and Graciela Camaño from Frente Renovador, among others.

Silvia Lospennato (Gustavo Gavotti)
Silvia Lospennato (Gustavo Gavotti)

This group was promoted by the ruling party in 2018 and at that time it was chaired by Lospennato. Now, although there is a change of command, lawmakers assure that they will seek to continue this policy of parliamentary diplomacy. The next meeting will surely be with the Argentine Ambassador to the United States, Jorge Argüello.

The intention of the Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies is for this commission to function and have its new authorities before her tour of the United States, given that she will go in her role as president of the body.

Although sources close to the former mayor of Tigre pointed out Infobae who are in the process of setting the agenda, it is assumed that it will be a continuity of that which has been developing since 2020 where he has had several virtual and face-to-face meetings with strong politicians from the United States, but also from China and Mexico.

Among other things, it is planned a meeting with José González, Biden’s main advisor for Latin America. González was in Buenos Aires and went to dinner at Massa’s, where the Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies explained Argentina’s position to pay the debt to the International Monetary Fund and Casa Rosada’s intention to raise more money. vaccines at a time when the United States announced a donation of 6 million vaccines.

While not yet defined, there are two desks that could be on Massa’s agenda due to their interrelationship lately. One of them is the central department of the International Monetary Fund. In November 2020 he had a conclave in the hall of honor of the presidency of the lower house with the IMF delegation. At that time, Massa met the deputy director of the Western Hemisphere Department, Julie kozack; the head of the IMF mission in Argentina, Luis Cubeddu, and IMF Resident Representative in Argentina, Trevor Alleyne. After this meeting, it is not excluded that he will meet an authority in the building located at 700 19th St NW.

Sergio Massa with members of the International Monetary Fund mission
Sergio Massa with members of the International Monetary Fund mission

Another building where you can be received is the one located less than ten blocks away at 1615 L St NW # 250, the headquarters of the Council of Americas, the entity that concentrates a good part of the most important businessmen. of the region and the United States.

But after the meetings in Washington, Massa will travel to New York where he will meet the chairman of the US Congressional Foreign Relations Committee, Gregory Meeks.

Massa ya held a virtual working meeting with Meeks where they analyzed the consolidation of the dialogue between the two legislative powers to support the efforts being carried out in their countries on issues related to bilateral trade, the establishment of American productive investments in Argentina, in particular in the field of energy, petroleum and lithium, issues of regional importance such as the OAS and other common challenges.

In conversations, Massa even promised him that when he traveled he would visit the neighborhood where Senator Meeks is from, namely Harlem, although he represents the neighborhood of Queens in New York.

But Massa doesn’t just look at the United States. Much of the relationship with China is also managed by Parliament. This was revealed a few days ago when officials for the Asian country publicly expressed their support for Argentina in its negotiations with the International Monetary Fund in a virtual meeting with Sergio Massa and Máximo Kirchner.


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