“Vaccines for all”: Alberto Fernández believes that the exit is near


The lunch the president shared Alberto Fernandez after the videoconference with your Russian counterpart, Vladimir PoutineIt was a sample of the spirit that dominated at that time in the national government. Six months after the first announcement of the arrival of vaccines in Argentina and although the second wave of the coronavirus continues to leave a high number of infections and deaths, Alberto Fernandez feels for the first time that the end of the pandemic is near.

The Chief of Staff, Santiago Cafeiero; the Minister of Health, Carla Vizzotti; the advisor to the presidency, Cecilia Nicolini; the media secretary, Juan Pablo BiondI; and the Secretary General of the Presidency, Julio Vitobello were the lunch dinners in the Quinta de Olivos in which for the first time the president recognized the relief before the massive arrival of vaccines.

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They reviewed the numbers: The arrival of nearly 7 million doses last month and the forecast of another similar number in the coming weeks have changed the climate of tension and uncertainty that has been experienced in the Pink house faced with the threat of saturation of the health system in different parts of the country.

There was a space to relax and even moments of laughter reliving through social networks the moment when with the microphone open during the conference with Russian President Fernández launches: “Look, all colleagues in China”. It was then that a video was released showing the laboratories in different parts of the world that will produce the Russian vaccine and the image came to Chinese and Korean professionals posing with their fingers in V. Fernández had been warned that he was connected but his team froze when the president opened his mouth.

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They also spoke of a “super Monday”. In two days a new flight of Moscow with Sputnik 1 and 2. The active principle would arrive on the same level so that the production of this vaccine begins in the country by the Richmond Laboratory. In the government, they are also waiting for the confirmation of the various flight plans to bring doses of AstraZeneca from Mexico and the United States.

Yesterday the president Alberto Fernandez He spoke with various governors who promised him their immediate support for the announcement of the manufacture of the vaccine in Argentina. Sputnik. However, there is a governor with whom he has not spoken. This is Cordoba Juan schiaretti which yesterday had to announce severe restrictions. “Today everything collapsed, the measures he is taking now, he had to take them 15 days ago,” they told a person close to the president. They also assured that the provincial chief had not contacted Fernández to inform him of the new quarantine in his province.

“In terms of health we are doing fine, now we are looking at Martín Guzmán again,” they told Quinta de Olivos yesterday about the other concern: economy.

Optimism for the plan vaccination It had started a few days ago but the statements of the director of the Covax Fund for Latin America, Santiago Cornejo, had succeeded in pushing back a government accustomed to shocks. This time, it was only for a few hours that the government managed to defuse the controversy in time.


At 8:30 p.m. on Tuesday, the first warning signal sounded in the Pink house. A few minutes later, the Minister of Health, Carla Vizzotti, began calling Santiago Cornejo while Alberto Fernández himself asked for speed to deny that Argentina refused to receive doses of Pfizer through the Covax fund. Although Carla Vizzotti’s appeals began on Tuesday evening, the jet lag played against the national government, which was only able to communicate with the director of the Covax Fund in Geneva, Switzerland, on Wednesday morning.

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Cornejo answered the phone when his statement had already generated a strong controversy in Argentina. He explained that it was taken out of context and that he felt used by an opposition sector which cut the video of the conference in which he participated. “I kept apologizingThey detailed from the government once Cornejo responded. A few minutes later, and while Vizzotti was at Casa Rosada ready to give a press conference, Cornejo sent the email in which he said he explained that “we are posting a statement on our site Web specifying that Argentina was interested in receiving the Pfizer vaccine via the Covax mechanism but as he did not agree with the terms of compensation and liability of the manufacturer, he could not continue the sale of Covax ”.

The Government had all the good news to give: the arrival of different batches of vaccines against the coronavirus, the daily vaccination report, the manufacture of Sputnik V en Argentina and the drop in mortality among people over 60 thanks to the vaccination plan. But the minister had to devote part of the conference to once again explaining the negotiations with the American laboratory.

In government, they associate the new controversy with Pfizer with the announcement of the arrival of 20 million doses to be completed this week. “Every time there is a massive arrival of vaccines, a political approach coincides with sectors of the opposition who accuse us of wanting to poison, corrupt, not manage vaccines and much more. Rare and unfortunate coincidence ”, they explained previously PROFILE.

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