Fernández: “The coronavirus pandemic has revealed the need for solidarity” – Telam


Fernndez: It’s time to understand that capitalism has not worked

President Alberto Fernndez warned that “it is very difficult to grow with wacky debts” and that they must “be paid in installments which certainly do not promote the growth and social development” of countries, by participating in a world economic forum with his counterpart from the Russian Federation, Vladimir Poutine.

“It is very difficult to develop with bizarre debts, with huge rates and that all this must be paid in installments which certainly do not promote the growth and social development of our communities”, declared the president during his participation , by videoconference, at the Plenary session of the St. Petersburg Economic Forum 2021.

In the same terms, the Argentine president spoke before the authorities of the main powers of the world and even before the president of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Kristalina Georgieva, whom he met in Rome and expressed the “will to to solve the debt problem “but to find a solution which” does not mean putting off the Argentine people “.

“It is very difficult to develop with wacky debts, with huge rates and that all of this must be paid in installments which certainly do not promote the growth and social development of our communities”

Alberto Fernandez

Fernández participated in the plenary session of the St. Petersburg Economic Forum 2021.

Fernandez participated in the plenary session of the St. Petersburg Economic Forum 2021.

Speaking this Friday at the Saint Petersburg forum, the Head of State reiterated a concept from his latest speeches: “It’s time to understand that capitalism as we knew it during the pandemic did not produce good resultsIt generated inequalities, ”he said.

“If we are going to build another capitalism, it must be a capitalism that does not forget the concept of solidarity, because if something has taught us the pandemic will not run away and there may be a time when the weakest and the most powerful tremble and fall in the face of a virus, ”he reaffirmed in a short virtual message.

In another part of his speech, the President said that the forum “is an excellent opportunity to reflect as the pandemic ravages many regions of the globe” and analyzed that “the world had organized itself on a weak basis”.

“So weak – he analyzed – that a being imperceptible to human sight like the Covid-19 virus was capable not only of also dragging the central economies of the world”,

In this sense, he asked “to think about what the economy should be in the world to come because It has been shown that what it has generated is a lot of inequalities and a lot of injustices which favored the concentration of income among very few people and poverty spread over millions of inhabitants ”.

Faced with this description, Fernández said that “this logic that has lasted so many years must necessarily be revised” and stressed that “if anything has exposed the pandemic as a necessity, it is precisely the need to be united “.

“In the pandemic We learned that no one is saved alone, that we all need each other, and that if together we face the effort of a better future, it is easier and more possible to achieve it “, added the Head of State.

Listening, he assessed that “in pandemic poverty, the lack of work and the needs of a world which is far from being developed have increased and I am not only talking about the world of the most needy, I am also talking about middle income country, including Argentina ”.

“In the pandemic, we have learned that no one is saved alone, that we all need each other, and that if we face the effort for a better future together, it is easier and more possible to reach it “

Alberto Fernandez

“These are countries which are still treated as developed countries but which look more and more like poor countries and the international community must take measures which have to do with the potential development that these middle-income countries can achieve,” he concluded.

Fernández and Putin will share a meeting again this afternoon, when – by video conference and with the CEO of the Russian Direct Investment Fund, Kirill Dmitriev – they officially announce the start of production of the Sputnik V vaccine in Argentina., by the Richmond laboratory.

On Thursday, speaking at the same forum, the Minister of the Economy, Martn Guzmn, stressed the need to build multilateral relations of cooperation, and in this context, he spoke of the opportunity to advance in the deepening agreements between Argentina and Russia.

“We need to build a more agile multilateralism that offers solutions. If we do not take this path, countries will be forced to develop different types of bilateral relations that will lead to a kind of uncooperative global environment that does not work in favor of solving the problems facing humanity ”, Guzmn said.

The minister stressed that Argentina hopes “to continue to strengthen its ties with Russia and to collaborate in the joint construction of the conditions necessary for a successful multilateral response to the unprecedented situation facing the world today”.


The St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) has been held since 1997 and, since 2006, is organized with the patronage and participation of the President of the Russian Federation.

The forum has become the main international platform for contact between representatives of the business community, as well as a space for debate on fundamental economic issues for Russia, developing markets and the world at large.

During the meeting on Thursday, relations and cooperation opportunities between Russia and Latin America were discussed.


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