Xuxa burst into tears when vaccinated against Covid-19 – News


Xuxa confirmed via social media that he had received the first dose of the vaccine in Brazil. The actress and singer shared the video of the moment which moved her to tears.

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“A mixture of happiness with a job done with people I love. It’s a mixture of a lot of things, you hear so much that it doesn’t go away, but it’s gone, it’s here on my arm. I’m glad my day has come. I’m happy to be my age, thank God, “we heard on the record.

Furthermore, before withdrawing from vaccination, he congratulated the health workers for their work in this particular context.

Unexpectedly, the staff who were on site applauded the standing Brazilian in gratitude.

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End of March, Xuxa had made headlines for suggesting that prisoners be used to test for drugs and vaccines: “I have a thought that may seem very mean to some people, which may seem inhuman,” he said at the time.

“In my opinion, I think there are a lot of people who have done a lot of wrong and are paying for their mistakes forever in jail. They could help with experiments. I think they would at least be of use to something. “, he added.


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