Argentina “has achieved vaccination rate similar to that of Europe” – Telam


In the past seven days, Argentina has recorded a vaccination rate of 4% of the population.

In the past seven days, Argentina has recorded a vaccination rate of 4% of the population.

The vaccination rate in Argentina with the first dose of coronavirus vaccine “has increased right now” and “is in a similar proportion to that in Europe, with very effective doses,” said specialists consulted by Tlam today.

Provincial Senator of Correntino Martin barrionuevo indicates that the Argentina “has achieved in the last 7 days a vaccination rate of 4% of the population, almost equal to that of Europe”.

Barrionuevo, who analyzes the data since the start of the pandemic in March 2020, assured that if Argentina is compared according to the percentage of the population vaccinated with European countries “it is logical that they are above” but precise that their analysis “takes references from the speed (of inoculation) at which the country is in relation to the world”.

By making an analysis of the specialized site, I observed “an advance of vaccination in Argentina, which is above South American average, 10 points below Europe -where many people fail to vaccinate- but our country is better than the region and aims to improve “.

The provincial senator noted that the country “acquires this vaccination rate with high efficacy vaccines, unlike the rest of South America and 450 deaths per day are avoided“.

“We are vaccinating with Sputnik, with 90% efficiency; Sinopharm, with almost 80% efficiency, and AstraZneca, a little over 70%, while Uruguay, Brazil and Chile do it mainly with Sinovac, which has an efficiency close to 50% ”, specified while specifying that “it is better to have a vaccine than not to have it”.

For his part, the molecular biologist and biotechnologist Ernesto Resnik He told Tlam that at present “the vaccination process in Argentina has intensified and is taking a very good pace”.

They estimate that vaccination prevents 450 deaths per day.

They estimate that vaccination prevents 450 deaths per day.

He assured that compared to the rest of the world, the Argentina “vaccinates at the same rate as Europe in total ” ; as he predicted this could continue in the face of inoculant shortages due to strong global demand.

Resnik underlined “the possible imminent manufacture of vaccines in the country in connection with the agreement concluded with Russia, which would guarantee the continuation of the vaccination, which could reach 2 million in one week”.

President Alberto Fernández and his Russian Federation counterpart Vladimir Putin yesterday announced the start of production of the Sputnik V vaccine in Argentina, which will be in charge of the Richmond laboratory, which will begin the process next week after the arrival from Moscow of the active ingredient this Sunday.

The molecular biologist explained about vaccination, that “look at the data of the administration of the first dose because it is the one that confers immunity, and the second makes it better and more sustainable ”, referring to information published by Our World in Data.

“The UK data is spectacular in that sense, with a single-dose vaccination process where cases have dropped dramatically,” he explained.

Ernesto Resnik: "Argentina vaccinates at the same rate as Europe".

Ernesto Resnik: “Argentina vaccinates at the same rate as Europe.”

In this sense, the Nation’s Ministry of Health reported today that “in the past seven days, nearly 2,000,000 people have been vaccinated. “

“Considering the last seven days, from Thursday 27 to yesterday inclusive, 1,823,824 applications of the different vaccines that the country has to face the pandemic have been made throughout the country,” said health sources.

At the same time, the Strategic Vaccination Plan against the coronavirus “marked a newDaily immunization register with 356,454 inoculations applied nationwide, ”according to health portfolio data.

According to information from the Public Vaccination Monitor, the online register which shows in real time the vaccination operation throughout the territory, 17,495,490 vaccines have been distributed until this morning, of which 13,730,521 have already been applied: 10,733,428 people received the first dose and 2,997,093 already have their full immunization schedule.

Argentina is among the 25% of the countries with the highest proportion of the population vaccinated against the coronavirus in the world and is the fifth in Latin America, according to a tally carried out by the University of Oxford based on official figures from every nation – except China and led by Israel, Canada and the UK.


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