Nudity and group sex: what is the truth behind the “Rainbow Family”, which they want to expel from Spain


The hippie community camp seen from above. (Photo: video capture from Rioja2 support)

For a few weeks, the region of La Rioja in Spain is convulsed. A group of people who make up a hippie group known as The Rainbow Family he is camping in one of the region’s valleys. Several Spanish media point out that some members are naked all the time and have sex group.

According to what local media reported Rioja2, between 150 and 200 people occupied land around the Portilla river, a few kilometers from the Mansilla reservoir. The context is called “Rainbow Gathering” and it is the annual event that the movement organizes in different parts of the world.

This is the encounter that happens during a lunar cycle, while those involved in the organization spend time between workshops on Reiki, Yoga, Botany, Chakra Healing or Tantra. In the middle, they celebrate the moment with a “perpetual fire” lit wherever they are and living in tents.

According to the tour carried out by the Spanish media, there are people of all ages and from different countries, such as Chile, Israel, France, Germany and many parts of Spain. His goal is to promote peace, defend the values ​​of non-violence, egalitarianism and environmentalism. In social networks, the group is presented as a place where since 1972 it is “promotes the expression of all kinds of spirituality and faith, cultivate tolerance and love of neighbor ”.

The main actions they carry out until June 15, the day on which the lunar cycle they celebrate ends, are meet twice a day in a circle around the fire sing and dance. In addition, they eat in groups, always vegan foods.

So far, there have been no concrete complaints of exhibitionism. The Civil Guard reported that found no presence of illegal drugs in the camping area, although there are drugs such as viagra, detailed support Ser chain. In addition, the agents denounced the lack of hygienic conditions and protocol measures by the COVID-19[feminine.

La Rainbow Family est composée de personnes de différentes parties du monde. (Photo : avec l’aimable autorisation de Rioja2)

Concernant une éventuelle expulsion, le maire de Mansilla de la Sierra, José Manuel Ballesteros, a-t-il assuré dans le programme Télécinco que le groupe “n’a pas changé le peuple, ni aux éleveurs ni aux habitants de la zone ».

Malgré cela, il a averti : « Bien que cela ait été rendu public, je ne peux pas soutenir qu’ils campent sans autorisation et tirent. car à La Rioja c’est interdit”. Pour cette raison, le responsable a affirmé que pour l’instant ils ne vont pas les expulser, mais que des plaintes ont été déposées à cet égard.

Sur la possibilité que certains membres du mouvement soient nus tout le temps ou pratiquaient le sexe en groupe à tout moment, il a démenti : « Ils sont habillés, à moins qu’ils n’aillent se baigner dans la rivière. Les forestiers et les passants ils n’ont rien vu de tout ça.”


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