WSJ: Mexico voted against AMLO’s radical ambitions


AMLO (Photo: Cuartoscuro)
AMLO (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

The fall of National Regeneration Movement It was not only the Federal Congress, but also the mayors of Mexico City, as well as the governors who were elected in the June 6 elections. they caused all kinds of reactions across North America.

This is the case with the editorial of the Wall Street newspaper in which they assured that it was “good news”, since the voters “They issued a severe punishment” to the Morena coalition, a party impossible not to link with its founder, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

The above, due to the fact that Morena lost up to two-thirds in the House of Congress, which they considered in the American newspaper to be a result that weakens the president and to his “ambitions for a radical ‘fourth transformation’ in Mexico”.

Photo: Presidency of Mexico
Photo: Presidency of Mexico

According to the editor, Andrés Manuel I am convinced that his approval rating could exceed “his mismanagement of Covid-19 and an economy that has not increased for two years”; as well as a half-promise to fight corruption.

Regarding the results of the polls, they estimated that the candidates of the National Regeneration “took a beating among the voters of the urban and suburban middle classes, many of whom supported AMLO in 2018”.

In this context, they assured that now the Green Ecologist Party of Mexico (which they described as “hired”), will be the key for the president in his ambition to “rewrite the constitution, either to reverse the liberalization of the market, in particular energy, or to centralize power in the presidency”.

(Photo: Cuartoscuro)
(Photo: Cuartoscuro)

On the other hand, they assured that henceforth their power is no longer ascending, and his image as a “popular caudillo” also received a heavy blowHe will now meet more resistance to his attempts to “push for undemocratic laws in Congress.”

On the opposition in Mexico, in this case led by the PAN-PRI coalition, and in some cases even the PRD, They said the lesson learned is that AMLO can only “run away with power” because its opponents have remained divided.

“Mexicans have lived 71 years under a repressive autocracy. When they completed it in 2000, they made a commitment to institutional development and the rule of law. The political class has often disappointed them, but Sunday’s vote suggests that they still prefer pluralism and democracy to the return to government of a strong man, ”they insisted.

Finally, they warned the President of Mexico that while his goal is to leave a legacy of progress during the second half of his term, which will end in 2024You must correctly read the message that the Mexican people sent you after this interim election.

Photo: Presidency of Mexico
Photo: Presidency of Mexico

For its part, Andrés Manuel López Obrador noted that citizens voted in this last election for two “different and contradictory” projects, and thanked the results of the election of federal deputies, which “gives the majority to the parties which sympathize with the transformation”.

The Mexican president took the opportunity to explain that, contrary to what some media claimThey only had a simple majority in Congress, they never had an absolute majority, so they “didn’t lose it”.

Moreover, he was convinced that with the majority of his alliance in the Chamber of Deputies, “the budget will be guaranteed, and more precise and more detailed, guaranteeing a sufficient budget for the most needy, for the poor”.


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