On the origin of COVID-19 and Dr. Fauci’s emails


Dr Anthony Fauci (Photo: REUTERS)
Dr Anthony Fauci (Photo: REUTERS)

President Joe Biden ordered U.S. Secret Service to delve into COVID-19 origins. He tries to cover up the shameful closure of the previous investigation that he himself ordered, as the dike eventually broke and evidence that the virus may have escaped from the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) has spread. It was always reasonable to ask if the virus came from a nearby lab that handles dangerous viruses. After all, what probability is there that, of all the cities on the planet, this coronavirus will appear precisely where there is a laboratory with safety concerns that has been playing with this same type of coronavirus for years, without that he came from this laboratory? And if this probability is remote, even lower is the following: What is the probability that a communist regime will tell the truth?

The publication of electronic correspondence from Antoine Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases, obtained by The Washington Post Yes Buzzfeed reveals that since the start of the pandemic, doubts have been expressed about its origin, even when they have been systematically denied. In an email dated February 1, 2020 Kristian andersen, a virologist at the Scripps Research Institute in California – the leading biomedical body in the United States – told Fauci that “Looking closely at all the sequences of the virus, some of its features seem designed“And with three other colleagues, they had discovered a genome”incompatible with the expectations of the theory of evolution”.

The controversial claim was rejected by Fauci and other experts, who said the virus leak from the Wuhan lab was “extremely unlikely”. On February 6, 2020, Botao Xiao from South China University of Technology published an article in which he concluded that the virus “probably from a laboratory in Wuhan”. But the Chinese government strictly controls the investigation into the origins of COVID-19 and the researcher in molecular biomechanics had to withdraw his publication.

At the Trump administration’s insistence on this theory, the Communist Party took offense, and its ambassador in Washington said the theories of the lab leaks were “”absolutely crazy“And they could”stir up racial discrimination and xenophobia”. The media opted for his denial and the public health clergy also set limits on the discussion allowed: on February 19, 2020, The Lancet issued a statement condemning the “conspiracy theories suggesting COVID-19 has no natural origin”. Although some academics disagree, the document was presented as evidence that the possibility of the lab was discredited, despite the fact that The Lancet It was organized by Peter Daszak, whose EcoHealth Alliance funded $ 3.4 million in WIV research with funding from the National Institute of Health.

The current review should have started a year ago, but the partisanship of the media and “experts” who made political calculations derailed the discussion. Dr Fauci said his emails were taken out of context, which could be true. But this is all the more reason to investigate America’s links to WIV and funding for “earning the office” research. The problem concerns the origins of the Covid, but also the future risks and benefits of such research and future pandemics.

On the other hand, this question does not only remain open; in all likelihood will contest a final resolution unless, and until, the Chinese government is submitting its own dossiers, which seems highly unlikely given the West’s attitude of submission and respect towards the Asian giant.

Jean François Revel began his book “Useless Knowledge” with a terrifying phrase: “The first force that moves the world is lies.” With communist totalitarianism and its devastating influence in the twentieth century being the crux of revelian thinking, one would think that things would have changed after the fall of the Wall and the collapse of the Soviet Union. It’s not like that. The maintenance of communism in China, Cuba and other Marxist-Leninist dictatorships and the rebirth of communist guerrillas in America does not allow much optimism about the revelian claim of the 1980s. On the contrary, the obscene recovery in West of the academic and intellectual prestige of communism – embodied today in China – endorses its analysis: it doesn’t matter what we know about the world when we refuse to accept the truth. The current discussion about the start of the novel coronavirus pandemic is proof of this.

Read on:

Joe Biden asked intelligence services to investigate the origins of the coronavirus: he wants to know if he leaked from a laboratory in Wuhan

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