Summit in Buenos Aires: Alberto Fernández receives Pedro Sánchez to strengthen the strategic relationship between Argentina and Spain


Alberto Fernández and Pedro Sánchez during their last meeting at the Palacio de la Moncloa in Madrid
Alberto Fernández and Pedro Sánchez during their last meeting at the Palacio de la Moncloa in Madrid

Alberto Fernández receives Pedro Sánchez in Buenos Aires to ratify personal and ideological harmony and deepen bilateral relations between Argentina and Spain. The president is betting on open diplomacy and needs Madrid’s support in his negotiations with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the Paris Club, while the head of the Spanish government intends to reactivate the economy of his country affected by COVID -19 and promote a geopolitical agenda that avoids fierce competition from the United States and China.

Sánchez will arrive in Ezeiza around 11:00 p.m. and will be received by Felipe Solá, Minister of Foreign Affairs. The European Prime Minister flies from Madrid accompanied by the Minister of Industry, Trade and Tourism, Reyes Maroto, the Secretary of Foreign Affairs and Latin America, Cristina Gallach, and the main leaders of Spanish companies that invest in Argentina.

Alberto Fernández will receive the head of the Spanish government tomorrow at 10:30 am. It will take place at Casa Rosada and it will be an unprecedented political event in times of COVID-19: It is the first time since his arrival in government that he will meet a foreign leader in Buenos Aires.

Alberto Fernández and Sánchez have identical views on the world hacked by the pandemic and they consider that a common agenda between Argentina and Spain can influence the reconstruction of a global system that has proved ineffective in reducing economic and social asymmetries between rich nations and poor countries.

The Argentine president and the socialist leader argue that multilateral organizations – such as the UN, the G20 and the IMF – must present a common agenda that should start with the pandemic and the need to facilitate access to credit and financial assistance to poor states and middle-income countries.

In this context, Alberto Fernández and Sánchez agree to ask UN for plan to end vaccine hoarding and ask the G20 for a way of distributing the extraordinary Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) that have already been allocated to the most powerful nations on the IMF’s board of directors.

Alberto Fernández and Kristalina Georgieva during their last meeting in Rome
Alberto Fernández and Kristalina Georgieva during their last meeting in Rome

From this point of view, the two leaders will revive the Action Plan for the Deepening of Strategic Action (SAP) which has united Argentina and Spain since 2006. The bilateral document, which will be known as the Declaration of Buenos Aires, recalls to “identify proposals for joint actions aimed at mitigating the impact of the health crisis caused by the pandemic and its serious economic and social consequences”, describes a paper written at the Chancellery for the consumption of Casa Rosada.

And he ends: “The Buenos Aires Declaration flag as priority issues the socio-economic impact of the pandemic, social inclusion, the fight against poverty and inequalities, the guarantee and promotion of human rights, gender, technology transfer, digital transformation and respect for environment ”.

The Buenos Aires Declaration will be signed after the solo meeting with Fernández and Sánchez. In this conclave, the president and head of the Spanish government will analyze Argentina’s negotiations with the IMF and the Paris Club, the global pandemic situation, the crisis caused by climate change, the fishing agreements between the two countries and the obstacles that remain to move forward with the final ratification of the Mercosur-European Union agreement.

Before the meeting of Fernández and Sánchez, there will be a forum of Argentinian and Spanish businessmen to be held at the Bicentennial Museum. Representatives of Abertis, Codere, Iberia, Telefonica, Group of bridges, IberconsaNaturgy, BBVA, Santander, Indra, the Spanish Chamber, the Spanish Confederation of Professional Organizations (CEO) and the General Union of Workers of Spain (CGU).

Alberto Fernández and Pedro Sánchez during their meeting at the Palacio de la Moncloa
Alberto Fernández and Pedro Sánchez during their meeting at the Palacio de la Moncloa

The Argentina-Spain Business Forum is linked to a geopolitical initiative by Sánchez. It is called the Action Plan for the Internationalization of the Spanish Economy 2021-22 ′, and aims to reclaim trade spaces lost by the pandemic and deal with the global showdown between Washington and Beijing through free trade.

During the press conference he offered with Alberto Fernández in Moncloa, Sánchez anticipated almost a month ago that he would have a strong state investment for Argentina that would be channeled by Spanish companies. operating in the country. This $ 1 million investment, which would be announced tomorrow at Balcarce 50, is part of the action plan for internationalization that Sánchez is advocating as a key part of his government.

In addition to the business forum, the solo meeting, the press conference, a lunch with clausus of the figures and the signing of the Buenos Aires Declaration, Alberto Fernández will announce his political decision to make available to Moncloa all available information on the Spanish Civil War which can be found in the diplomatic archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

President knows atrocities committed by dictator Francisco Franco, every time he goes to Madrid, he takes the time to see Picasso’s Guernica at the Sofia Museum, and he considers that Argentina can provide sufficient evidence for the global reparation of the victims of the civil war and the dictatorship Spanish.

Alberto Fernández and Sánchez also plan to sign a joint declaration between the Ministry of Equality of Spain and the Ministry of Women of Argentina to integrate the gender perspective in bilateral relations between the two countries.

The socialist leader is committed to the defense of human rights and during his tour in Buenos Aires he will tour the former ESMA concentration camp and pay tribute to the Spaniards who disappeared in Argentina during the last military dictatorship.

Then you will meet the Spanish community and leave for Ezeiza. His tour of Latin America will end with a visit to Costa Rica.

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