The National Academy of Education against inclusive language: “A mirror of an ideology”


The National Academy of Education critical this Tuesday June 8 use of inclusive language that you consider “useless “ and that “it does not help to indicate the equality of the sexes but, on the contrary, suggests the existence of a rivalry”. In their statement, they cited the Argentine Academy of Letters, the Royal Spanish Academy and even shared the case of the French language.

In a declaration signed by the academic secretary, José Maria La Greca, visible on the agency’s website, expressed their position on inclusive language: “The National Academy of Education considers it appropriate to publicize its support for the statements made by the Argentine Academy of Letters when he affirms, after numerous justifications, that “one should not force the linguistic structures of Spanish to become the mirror of an ideology, because the Spanish grammar we study does not restrict the freedom to express ourselves or to interpret what others express. We affirm this with the conviction that an interconnected language never excludes “.

Inclusive language or totalitarian semiotics?

“This is also what Royal Spanish Academy in its comprehensive report on inclusive language and related issues. Among many arguments, of a very diverse nature, he recalls that “inclusive language presupposes artificially alter the functioning of gender morphology in Spanish under the subjective premise that the use of the generic masculine makes women invisible since the use of the @ or the letters “e” and “x” as marks meant to include gender is foreign to the morphology of Spanish, in addition to useless, since the grammatical masculine already fulfills this function as an unmarked term of the gender opposition, ”he added.

Likewise, he compared the situation of Argentina to the case of France: “In the same sense and in the case of French language, recently expressed the French Academy and the Ministry of Education, noting that the inclusive writing, “is detrimental to the practice and intelligibility of the French language “ at the same time as his “complexity and instability are obstacles both for language acquisition and for reading. “

Inclusive or exclusive language

And finally, he concluded: “This National Academy of Education approves the criteria set out in the aforementioned documents because it considers unnecessary inclusive styles which complicate both the language and its teaching in educational institutions. Likewise, they modify it until manners that are uncomfortable for the sane common sense of society. On another side, they do not help to signal the equality of the sexes but, on the contrary, suggest the existence of a rivalry and not of a fundamental and deep encounter between the two ”.


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