They condemned the pharmacist who modified the anti …


A US pharmacist sentenced to three years in prison after pleading guilty to willfully wasting dozens of doses of coronavirus vaccines. The man had cut the cold chain of the doses which were then applied to at least 57 people.

According to a statement released by the Department of Health, Steven Brandenburg, a 46-year-old pharmacist and anti-vaccine, Vials “deliberately removed” of the vaccine produced by Moderna from the hospital refrigerator where he worked in the state of Wisconsin.

Brandenburg was found guilty and in addition to three years in prison you will have to pay the hospital $ 83,800 in compensation.

The man took the vaccine doses out of the refrigerator during night shifts and left them at room temperature for several hours before putting them back in the refrigerator for administration the next day.

At least 57 people were inoculated with the modified doses, according to the statement from the Ministry of Health.

“Deliberately attempting to mess up vaccine doses during a national health emergency is a serious offense,” said Brian Boynton, deputy attorney general for civil affairs at the Department of Justice.

Steven Brandenburg said he believed the vaccine was dangerous for people and could alter their DNA.

Moderna’s vaccine, as well as one made by Pfizer-BioNTech, is based on the messenger RNA method, a system that “teaches” the immune system to fight a virus. More than 124 million doses of Moderna vaccine have been injected in the United States.


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