“All he wants is to sleep with you”: expresses Ricardo Ponce’s ex, accused of having set up a sex sect


Ricardo Ponce is a Mexican speaker known to be called the "self-healing creator"(Photo: Instagram / @ricardoponce)
Ricardo Ponce is a Mexican speaker known to call himself the ‘Creator of Self-Healing’ (Photo: Instagram / @ricardoponce)

After the accusations, this position Ricardo Ponce as founder of a sex cult where he took advantage of his limbs by managing his emotions, is her former romantic partner, Valentina Camacho, who confirmed what was said by the alleged victims and told part of her story.

It was at the end of May when Yououtubeuse Maire Wink shared a video where she said: with other women, the traumatic experience he had while attending a retreat of lecturer Ricardo Ponce Herrera. When their public complaint became known, other women dared to speak out with #RicardoPonceAbusador.

Now, his ex girlfriend valentina camacho spoke for a newscast of Telemundo or says the complaints against the speaker are true because she witnessed the discomfort we felt in the sessions, so she realized that everything was “sexual”. Additionally, he revealed how his relationship with Ricardo Ponce was.

Although we are responsible because in the end nobody put a gun on us be with him, yes there is a total manipulation, because he takes advantage of your pain and, through there, he starts to wrap you up to the point where all he wants is to sleep with you“, said

Camacho recalled meeting Ricardo Ponce as he was going through a difficult time in his life, he felt emotionally unstable and he wanted to find answers to all his problems, so he approached the well-known speaker. Time later, They started a relationship where she never realized if he was unfaithful to her.

“What I perceived was that there was no one, more than I felt everything was very sexual with him. The moments I shared with the group were very clear when he started approaching another girl who was married, ”he commented.

(Photo: Instagram / @ricardoponce)
(Photo: Instagram / @ricardoponce)

On this occasion, Valentina explained that she was a little disappointed by the Mexican guru when she answered a question asked by the married woman. According to his account, The woman asked him how to continue the attachment if you are married, to which Ponce replied, “You are in the process of getting a divorce.”

After what happened, Valentina Camacho stood up annoyed with the intention of warning those present of the type of person her then-boyfriend was. However, I cannot say anything before the interview, where revealed that the speaker is a self-centered person who only cares about his physical appearance.

I wanted to tell everyone: ‘He’s a fake, he’s a crook’. To begin has a neurosis, don’t lead a life in what I can call normal, he is obsessed with his bodyThe whole time he looked at himself in the mirror, talked about his protein, he went to the gym twice, ”he said.

(Photo: YouTube screenshot / Mayor Wink)
(Photo: YouTube screenshot / Mayor Wink)

Valentina recalled that when she realized that she was not improving with Ponce’s practices, she let it be known, hoping to find a solution. However, the guru got angry and only told him that he was not getting better because he was not doing what he asked.

“I told her, ‘I just feel like I’m not getting better with you’, she got angry and told me I was super stupid and that I wasn’t going to waste time with me, if I wanted to heal I already knew how I shouldHe commented.

In the end, Ponce’s ex-partner said he accepts his responsibility but also confirmed that there is a high degree of manipulation towards the participants.

“I was very happy to know that someone had finally broken the silence. It is sooner rather than later that all this is known. Hopefully it reaches many places, ”he said.


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