“He lacks some arithmetic and humility lessons”: PAN lawmakers replied to AMLO


The president bragged at his morning talk about how many MPs he will get in Congress (Photo: EFE)
The president bragged at his morning talk about how many MPs he will get in Congress (Photo: EFE)

After the president Andrés Manuel López Obrador it was said “happy, happy, happy” by the results who obtained the blocking of the so-called “Fourth Transformation” (Morena-PT-PVEM-PES) in the intermediate elections, PAN legislators criticized the president’s lack of humility, as well as his intention to “confuse” To the population.

And is it the blue and white senator, Julen Rementeria, said on Wednesday at a press conference that López Obrador he does not keep his accounts well with the number of seats obtained by his party and his allies in the House of Representatives, because together they form a simple majority and non qualified, they will therefore have to negotiate with the opposition to approve their reforms.

“The president lacks a course in arithmetic and others in humility”

Julen Rementeria on election day (Photo: twitter / julenrementeria)
Julen Rementeria on election day (Photo: twitter / julenrementeria)

In this sense, Rementeria clarified that the legislators of the “Va por México” coalition (PRI-PAN-PRD) have a document signed with aon the legislative agenda, with the commitment of do not destroy the institutions that act as a counterweight, like Banco de México (Banxico) and the National Electoral Institute (OTHER).

“Enough of presidentialism and the desire to destroy institutions, institutions like the INE which were attacked are protected”

For her part, the senator of the same party, Kenia Lopez, argued that despite the fact that Morena and her allies won 11 of the 15 governorships at stake, are losing 54 federal deputies, and neither with those of the PT and PVEM did they achieve a qualified majority, so “it was clearly a defeat.

(Screen capture: Twitter)
(Screen capture: Twitter)

“The numbers say it. Of the 30 million votes that accompanied them (in 2018) they have now lost between 13 and 14 million votes […] Let them not come to us with stories, beyond their dismal transport gatherings. Enough of the use and abuse of the majority in San Lázaro ”.

In this context, the deputy of PAN Juan Carlos Romero Hicks invited the president to a serious dialogue analyze and build the agenda that the country needs.

He took the opportunity to mention that regarding the aextension of the mandate of the Minister-President of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN(MC) and some from Morena, like Porfirio Muñoz Ledo and Lorena Villavicencio, among others, will remain as opposition.

Memes from the 2021 Mexico City election (Photo: Twitter)
Memes from the 2021 Mexico City election (Photo: Twitter)

With regard to the results of the elections in the Mexico, where it was a bastion of “obradorismo” and the left, “Va por México” took 9 starting at 16h mayors, dividing the capital map in half. This triggered countless memes on social media; however, many have been classified as “Classists”, since they place the half governed by the PRI-PAN-PRD as the prosperous part, and the other as the most backward part and with the least level of education.

For this reason, Senator PAN Damien Zepéda, asked for the end of the divisions and the stories that encourage him, as he assured him, the same president does it Lopez Obrador.

“Mexico is unfortunately divided today and it must be ended. Enough hate, enough division, enough to treat us like we’re not all Mexican. It wasn’t like that before, ”he said.


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