Coronavirus: United Kingdom to donate 100 million …


The UK said on Wednesday it will donate 100 million doses of coronavirus vaccine, between this year and next year, to contribute cWith the objective of the G7 to support vaccination with 1 billion doses worldwide.

The British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, noted, before the start of the G7 leaders’ summit in Cornwall (England) this Friday, that the committed doses come from “surplus” which will not be used by the United Kingdom.

Thanks to the ‘success of the vaccination program’ in the UK, your government can now ‘share some excess doses with those who need them’Johnson explained.

“By vaccinating more people around the world, We will not only help stop the coronavirus pandemic, but we will also reduce the risk to people in the UK reducing the threat posed by vaccine-resistant variants that appear in areas with major epidemics, ”he added.

This donation is in addition to UK “financial support” for the COVAX program to accelerate the arrival of vaccines in developing countries, as well as UK public “support” for the development of University of London readiness. Oxford and pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca, Johnson detailed in a statement.

The head of government underlined that the United Kingdom is the fourth donor of COVAX, promoted by the World Health Organization (WHO), to which it has contributed 548 million pounds (777 million dollars).

The British announcement comes after the United States confirmed that it will donate 500 million Pfizer vaccines under the program.

What will be the distribution?

the UK to donate first 5 million doses by October, which will mainly go to ‘poorest countries in the world’, and plans to deliver an additional 25 million in this year, and the remainder over the next.

80% of the donations will be managed through the COVAX program, while the rest will be distributed according to bilateral agreements with the countries in need.

“Since the start of this pandemic, the UK has led the way in efforts to protect humanity from this deadly disease,” said the British Prime Minister.

At the G7 summit, I hope the rest of the leaders show a similar commitment so that together we can immunize the world before the end of next year.“, he concluded.


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