“Genocida”, the cry against Bolsonaro | It was boo …


A few hours before the start of the Copa América, while his country, which has recorded an average of 1,727 deaths per day over the past two weeks, Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro repudiated by group of passengers at Vitoria airport, when the president attempted to proselytize. “Genocide! “,” Go out with Bolsonaro! “,” Vaccinate now! Were heard among the passengers.

Bolsonaro arrived at the airport in the southeast of the country for a political event in which hundreds of followers who received it with shouts of encouragement, in the middle of a crowd, without distance and with rare chinstrap, an image repeated among the followers of the denialist president of the Covid-19 pandemic.

However, the news turned out to be Bolsonaro’s visit inside one of the commercial planes, where he received some gestures of support, but he had to retire guarded by the rejection of his management and a request for Accused, which distances him from the government ahead of the 2022 elections, of which former President Lula Da Silva is the most supported candidate.

Early June and while delivering a speech on the national network, Bolsonaro also received the biggest cacerolazo against his leadership, criticized among other things for its management of the pandemic.

Brazil has a low percentage of people fully vaccinated against Covid-19 (around 11% of the population) and a high transmission rate of the virus, the average number of new cases of the disease being more than 50,000 per day. In this context, Bolsonaro is the subject of an investigation by a Senate committee because rejected vaccine offers and opted for remedies like chloroquine, an antimalarial, as a public policy to encourage people to go to work.

Demands against the president were also felt in the streets, with a massive demonstration in various cities on May 29 to redouble criticism of the handling of the pandemic, call for an increase in economic aid and demand his resignation.

“Out with Bolsonaro”, “Bolsonaro genocidal” and “Vaccines now” were some of the slogans they will hear again ahead of the next protest called by social movements for Saturday, June 19.


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