Ecuador: Guillermo Lasso begins his administration with the highest percentage of acceptance since the return to democracy


Banker Guillermo Lasso and his wife Maria de Lourdes Alcivar celebrate victory in the second round of the presidential elections (Photo: REUTERS / Maria Fernanda Landin)
Banker Guillermo Lasso and his wife Maria de Lourdes Alcivar celebrate victory in the second round of the presidential elections (Photo: REUTERS / Maria Fernanda Landin)

Guillermo Lasso, the current president of Ecuador, broke the stigma that a banker, Catholic Yes conservative he would become president. In addition, he is currently the president who begins his administration with the The highest acceptance rate since the South American nation returned to democracy in 1979.

With the elections held in 1978 and called by the Supreme Council of Government, Ecuador returned to the constitutional path and overcame the last military dictatorship in its recent history. Since then, 14 presidents have ruled the Andean country, of which 10 were elected and 4 were constitutional successions.

The CEDATOS pollster assures that the recently invested president Guillermo Lasso exceeds, to date the acceptance that Rafael Correa and Jaime Roldós achieved at the time, and which were considered the highest of the last 40 years.

Rafael Correa was the President of Ecuador who dissolved legislative power, convened a Constituent Assembly which drafted a new constitution and is now a fugitive of justice for having been convicted of the crime of organized crime. Correa has established public infrastructure in much of the country, which has earned it acceptance in popular sectors.

In exchange, Jaime Roldos is the president who is remembered for the return to democracy who died in a mysterious plane crash in 1981, while exercising presidential power. Roldós will be remembered for the 1980 doctrine of international law that bears his name, promoted to promote regional respect for Human rights at a time marked by the domination of military dictatorships in the region such as Jorge Rafael Videla in Argentina, Augusto Pinochet in Chile, Manuel Noriega in Panama or João Baptista Figueiredo in Brazil. In domestic politics, he will be remembered for having doubled the minimum wage of the worker and reduced the working day.

The CEDATOS pollster study attributes more than 71% approval of the new president Guillermo Lasso, while Rafael Correa and Jaime Roldós awarded each a 68% for the same concept. Other contemporary presidents, in the same study, present similar, albeit lower, numbers: Abdalá Bucaram 67%, Jamil Mahuad 66% and Lucio Gutiérrez 64%, but none surpass Guillermo Lasso.

Jaime Roldós won the presidency in the 1979 ballot with 68.5% of the vote. This figure would not be repeated, making the president of the democratic return the most voted ruler at his first participation. By averaging the results of the polls, the others won the presidency of Ecuador with an average of 53.6% of the vote. The cases of Sixto Durán Ballén stand out, which in 1992 reached 57.3%; Abdalá Bucaram, who in 1996 obtained 54.5%; Lucio Gutiérrez, who in 2002 obtained 56.7%; and Rafael Correa, who in 2006 obtained 56.7%.

Guillermo Lasso, the new president of Ecuador, won the ballot with 52.2% of the vote, just below average, and now, in acceptance, he is already well above the most voted presidents in recent political history of the country.

Although popular acceptance favors it, The Lasso government has several challenges to overcome in order to consolidate its political capital. The most important thing, given the current situation, is to successfully complete the vaccination plan which aims to immunize nine million Ecuadorians in 100 days. It is also a creator of jobs, as its campaign slogan announces “employment, employment and more employment”.

In addition, Lasso will have to build bridges with the Legislature, in order to be able to promote his government project. It is because it does not have a good number of legislators.


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