Horror in Tenerife: Tomás Gimeno warned his environment a year ago that he would separate little Anna and Olivia from their mother


(Photo: Instagram @bringbackhomeannaandolivia - Missing SOS)
(Photo: Instagram @bringbackhomeannaandolivia – Missing SOS)

On April 27, Tomás Antonio Gimeno, 37, did not return his daughters at the time agreed with his ex-partner, and warned him by phone that he would not see them again, nor. Terrified and knowing her ex’s impulsive temperament, Beatriz Zimmerman immediately filed a complaint. From the first minute, the Civil Guard classified this disappearance as a high risk.

More than 40 days later, authorities found Olivia’s lifeless body. It was at the bottom of the sea – about a thousand meters deep – inside a bag tied to the anchor of the father’s boat. miners, the “Monster of Tenerife”. The ship was found adrift, without an anchor, the day after its disappearance. Along with the bag that contained the six-year-old’s corpse, there was another similar one, but empty. There is speculation that Anna could have been there, although this possibility has not yet been confirmed.

The case of Anna and Olivia is currently under investigation by the Spanish authorities on the island of Tenerife.
The case of Anna and Olivia is currently under investigation by the Spanish authorities on the island of Tenerife.

Now after the discovery the spanish media discovered something that neither the family of the “Monster of Tenerife” nor the Justice really dimensioned: Gimeno had this idea in mind for a year.

He had the idea that if anything went wrong with the custody issue after Beatriz separated, he would separate them from their mother. “said the Spanish research program Al Rojo Vivo.

The investigation team of the program La Sexta accessed the testimony of a friend of the father of the little girls: “He didn’t want her to be with his daughters. We talk all the time about indirect violence, but another type of violence that Tomás Gimeno also committed with his wife consists in putting a detective on him who followed him to find out who his daughters were with ”.

“Tomás seems to have prepared this ground for a whole year,” lamented journalist Pepa Romero.

According to the reconstruction made by the Spanish media, That night of April 27 could have been the time when Olivia and Anna’s life was interrupted. That day, security cameras at the marina in Puerto Deportivo de Santa Cruz, where Gimeno’s boat was moored, captured footage of the suspect loading the boat with several bags. He had to make two trips to transport everything. I would set sail twice. As the recordings show, he was alone, without the girls. When he returned, after ten past eleven that night, there was no sign of what he had loaded on the boat. Had he already eliminated the bodies of his daughters? In a few hours we would no longer hear from him, he had returned to boarding.

The next day, his boat – six meters long and equipped with a single cabin – was found adrift near the port of Güímar, leaving no trace of the man or his two young daughters. A day later, when the boat was found, police said they detected traces of blood on the boat, but found no evidence that it was from the minors. The (worst) suspicions are growing.

One of the first research posters
One of the first research posters

Gimeno had a history of being an impulsive and violent man. One of the first acts of assault happened last August when he attacked Zimmerman’s new partner. He is a 60-year-old Belgian who the “monster of Tenerife” accused of being “too old” to raise his daughters, a situation which exasperated him. Identified as Eric D., the man was also his ex’s boss. This time he surprised them in front of a cafeteria. He started beating the man and then dragged his wife. But they decided not to press charges.

In December, the threats multiplied and it was there that he warned her for the first time that she would never see the girls again. On this occasion, he alerted the authorities, who began to investigate him for gender violence. But they weren’t Gimeno’s only violent story. Over the past eight years, according to the ABC newspaper, the man, whose whereabouts are unknown, has been charged with various fights and criminal acts.


Who is Tomás Gimeno, the father and main suspect in the disappearance of the two girls in Spain
Spain: they found the body of Olivia, one of the two missing girls
What is “indirect violence”, the macho cruelty behind the case affecting Spain
One of his daughters tied to the anchor and another still missing: how Tomás Gimeno became the “monster of Tenerife”

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