With almost complete review, Castillo follows first and Fujimori insists on fraud


the ballot in the presidential elections of Peru continues to generate uncertainty as the exam slowly progresses down its home stretch with the teacher and unionist on the left Pedro Castillo it continues with some 51,000 votes, before the right candidate Keiko Fujimori who insisted that there was “fraud“, Even if the AEO and the rest of the observation missions excluded “serious irregularities”.

In coincidence with the rest of the international electoral observation missions, the head of the OAS in Peru, the former Paraguayan Minister of Foreign Affairs Ruben ramirez presented his preliminary report last night and stressed that “did not detect serious irregularities“, According to the press agency AFP, a conclusion that seems to contradict complaints of “evidence of fraud“And call for cancel 200,000 votes of candidate Fujimori.

Despite the fact that the last missing international observation mission spoke out against alleged fraud, the former lawmaker and candidate, who on Monday will face a new request for preventive detention in court for a corruption case, he returned to the charge today with his complaints.

“There is table fraud, table manipulation“There are very serious events in this last stage” of the vote count, he said. Fujimori during a meeting with the foreign press, while his the chances of winning the ballot seem increasingly reduced.

Five days later, the Peruvian elections still have no winner

I will recognize the results, but we have to wait for the end, ”he promised, but insisted that there had been irregularities which would have favored his rival, Castillo, who a few days ago was proclaimed the winner and asked to wait for the official statement of the electoral entities calmly, but “alert”.

With him 100% of cases processed but with 99.890% counted because there are still hundreds disputed or observed, Castillo obtained 8,830,647 votes (50.145%), to a short but stable advantage of 8,779,709 votes (49.855%, according to the latest update from the National Office of Electoral Processes of Peru (ONPE).

As the review progresses very slowly, complaints and rumors continue to multiply in Peru, fueling a increasingly tense political climate.

Former Bolivian President Evo Morales denounced that “behind the examination of the voting records in Peru hides a coup plan to steal victory from the Peruvian people who elected his government to the polls with dignity and sovereignty ”and warned:“ This is an attack on democracy which threatens regional stability.

Peru: they demanded the preventive detention of Keiko Fujimori for corruption

Already in the week, the president Alberto Fernandez And the one of Bolivia, Luis Arce, had greeted Castillo on the ballot, which was followed by a public letter several ex-presidents, mostly right-wing, who have said they have not yet declared either winners or losers, according to what Fujimori said at his press conference. Even the Peru’s Foreign Ministry sent letter rejecting Fernández’s expressions.

The “the international left intervenes“In the elections in Peru, the right-wing candidate denounced and also accused the president Francisco sagasti to “interfere” in his call to “respect the electoral process”.

He also interviewed the National Election Jury (JNE) for his refusal to extend the deadline for presenting objections, which expired last Wednesday and which had already allowed him to submit questions at around 800 minutes, a number that the election authorities themselves recognized as unusually very high.

Yesterday, Peruvians lived through hours of great tension when the JNE first agreed to extend this period so that new challenges could be presented and, in the face of public complaints from Castillo, his party Free peru, and even editorials and columns in the media, then backtracked.

Before formalizing the results, Peru protested Alberto Fernández’s greetings to Pedro Castillo

the challenges of less than a thousand minutes are being analyzed and the time it takes for the JNE to settle them all will depend on when the final result is known and a winner is declared.

Faced with the possibility that the countdown of the last minutes will take a few more days and faced with the increasingly worrying verbal escalation, the Peruvian Minister of the Interior, José Élice, today warned that mobilisations or acts that affect or interrupt the process of Vaccination covid-19.

“The right to freedom of expression is guaranteed to everyone, but mobilizations or acts that affect or interrupt the vaccination process will not be allowed. The The Covid is our common enemy», He tweeted, after several days of more or less small demonstrations of supporters of the two candidates.


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