Coronavirus: concern for a Chilean region


The metropolitan region of Chile, including Santiago, began a new strict quarantine this Saturday after an increase in cases. the Ministry of Health national informed that in the last 24 hours 7,624 coronavirus infections, 107 deaths and 96% occupancy in intensive care units from all over the country.

Health report includes number of new cases in past 24 hours alone below what was given last week, also with 46,337 active patients in total.

Since the start of the pandemic, Chile has 1,468,992 people infected, including 1,391,016 are considered recovered, and 30,579 dead, according to information from the Department of Statistics and Health Information (DEIS).

According to the health authority, 3,287 people are hospitalized in intensive care units and among them, 2,810 are supported by mechanical ventilation.

Finally, with regard to intensive care beds, there are 180 available in the integrated network nationwide as 4,343 of the 4,523 in total are occupied, representing a use of 96%.

At the regional level, Los Lagos is the most complicated area with 99% occupancy, followed by three regions which have 98%: the Metropolitan, Valparaso and Coquimbo.

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