In the last 14 days, Argentina has doubled its coronavirus vaccination rate – Telam


According to the analysis of biochemist and data analyst Santiago Olszevicki, "as of June 12, Argentina reached 28.38% of the population with at least one dose".

According to the analysis of biochemist and data analyst Santiago Olszevicki, “as of June 12, Argentina reached 28.38% of the population with at least one dose.”

In the past 14 days, Argentina has doubled its coronavirus vaccination rate compared to the previous 14 days, from a daily average of around 150,000 requests to nearly 300,000, which has contributed to reaching a percentage of over 28% of people vaccinated with at least one dose.

“To analyze the growth in the vaccination rate that the country is experiencing, one possible variable is to take the daily average of the last 14 days and compare it with the previous 14 days,” Jorge Aliaga, physicist and researcher of Conicet. .

The record so far was last week with nearly two million doses applied, while June 4 was the day more vaccines were placed with 375,904

In this sense, he assured that “on Thursday, June 10, the average of the last 14 days was 289,535 daily application reports, while if you look at May 28, the average of the last 14 days of that date was 146,005 daily doses. , that’s exactly half “.

Aliaga, former dean of the Faculty of Exact Sciences at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) and current Secretary of Institutional Planning and Evaluation at the National University of Hurlingham, performs this analysis based on the date of daily report of the provinces in the Ministry of Health of the Nation.

If we take into account the information available in the Vaccination Monitor – which is constantly updated and classified by date of application – the record was so far last week with nearly two million doses applied , while June 4 was the day when the most vaccines were administered with 375,904.

Another way to calculate the average is to take into account the information from the Official Monitor with the date of the request. When cut with the data to Friday June 11 at 2:00 p.m. (video infographic attached), the average number of applications between Saturday June 15 and Friday June 28 was 133,404 daily doses; while the daily average for the following 14 days (from Saturday 29 to Friday 11) was 280,191 daily doses, which implies a growth of 110%.

In the past 14 days, Argentina has doubled the coronavirus vaccination rate

According to analysis by biochemist and data analyst Santiago Olszevicki, also based on open data from the health portfolio, “As of June 12, Argentina reached 28.38% of the population with at least one dose, while 7.10 percent have completed their immunization schedule “.

“This percentage of people vaccinated with at least one dose places Argentina among the top middle-income countries and better than many high-income countries like Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Japan, Omn or Panama, ”he told Tlam. molecular biologist, immunologist and biotechnologist Ernesto Resnik, who currently resides in Minnesota, United States.

“Higher income countries have faster vaccination and have already reached a large percentage of the population”

Ernesto Resnik

Resnik said that “if the percentages are analyzed globally, as expected, higher income countries have faster vaccination and they have already reached a large percentage of the population; this is the case in Canada, Israel, the United States and most of Europe. “

The record to date was last week with almost two million doses applied.

The record to date was last week with almost two million doses applied.

For Latin America, taking into account the percentage of the population vaccinated, the page, which contains information from around the world, locates the Argentina occupies third place, after Chile (59.72%) and Uruguay (58.73%).

This week, the Ministry of Health published a report on the progress of the vaccination plan in the country, the aim of which is to reduce the risk of complications and death from Covid-19, for which it has established priorities : first, the health personnel; then over 70 and adults in long-term residences; then those over 60, strategic personnel, those under 60 with co-morbidities and finally the general population.

Although with variations depending on the neighborhood, In many jurisdictions across the country, vaccination of the general population has already started, that is, those under 60 without comorbidities, which is achieved in many places, classified by age: first those 55 to 59 years, after 50 to 54 years and from there downwards.

In this context, the Ministry of Health indicated that on Wednesday 9 June “one in two people between 55 and 59 years old (55%) had already received the first dose of vaccine against this disease” and indicated that “the 45 , 3% of the age group between 50 and 54 and 33.2 per cent of those between 45 and 49 ”.

For those over 60, 84.5% have already received at least one dose; Disaggregating by age group, 86% of people aged 60 to 69 are in the same situation, which is found in 88% of people aged 70 to 79, and in 79.5% of people aged 80 years and over, based on current data.

“As of June 12, Argentina has reached 28.38% of the population with at least one dose, while 7.10% have completed their immunization schedule.”

analysis by Santiago Olszevicki

“The impact of vaccination in this age group is remarkable, as deaths among those under 60 are increasing day by day, deaths among the elderly remain stable,” Olszevicki said.

In fact, reaching 100 percent of this population was one of the themes of the last meeting of the Federal Health Council (Cofesa), in which Health ministers across the country have agreed on strategies to “actively seek out the population over 60 that due to access difficulties or fears, she has not yet been vaccinated, ”reported the national health portfolio.

As of Friday, June 11, Argentina has applied 16,018,940 vaccines, 12,814,616 of the first dose and 3,204,324 of the second.

As of Friday, June 11, Argentina has applied 16,018,940 vaccines, 12,814,616 of the first dose and 3,204,324 of the second.

“Analyzing the curves by sector and by age over time also gives a good idea of ​​how the strategy has been applied. If you look at those curves, the two lines that are starting to go up are now the 40 to 49 and 50 to 59 range, “Aliaga said.

And he concluded: “The advance of vaccination in this sector of the population is key because, with the population between 20 and 40 years old, they are the most infected and which currently generate a high occupation in intensive care units” .


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