Future pandemics: the G7 adopts a declaration to prevent them


The G7 leaders pledged this Saturday, June 12 to use all their resources to prevent future pandemics, by a declaration qualified as “historical“Signed at the summit held in England and that on his second day he showed differences around the Brexi and agreements on the advancement of influence of China and Russia.

After almost two years without a meeting, the heads of state and government of Germany, Canada, United States, France, Italy, Japan Yes UK They returned to sit around a round table after the reception of British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, host of the event in the tourist town of Carbis Bay.

G7 summit.  The pandemic and vaccination, two key issues.
Joe Biden with Emmanuel Macron, during the G7 summit.

In terms of health, after having promised yesterday the donation of 1 billion vaccines against Covid-19 in other countries, leaders have sought a way to avoid further crises.

What is the Carbis Bay Declaration: the health changes it proposes at the global level

Within this framework, the most industrialized countries of the world will agree on the “Carbis Bay Declaration“, a declaration which will be formalized tomorrow after the appointment and which establishes a series of concrete commitments to prevent a repeat of the human and economic devastation caused by the coronavirus.

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Among its commitments is the reduction of development time for vaccines, treatments and diagnostics, hoping to be ready in less than 100 days for a sudden illness.

Also strengthen health surveillance and reform the World Health Organization (WHO) to make her stronger.

G7 summit.  The pandemic and vaccination, two key issues.
Boris Johnson, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

What happened to the suspension of vaccine patents

The statement does not, however, comment on the proposed suspend vaccine patents to speed up production, a divisive issue supported by the United States and France but firmly rejected by Germany and the European Union (EU).

One issue which has been discussed and which has also exhibited differences is the provisions who began to rule earlier this year in Northern Ireland after the completion of Brexit, the UK’s exit from the EU.

Prime Minister Johnson today expressed the possibility of unilaterally suspending this provision, known as the Northern Ireland Protocol, despite calls from Europeans to comply. “If the protocol continues to be applied in this way, we will not hesitate to invoke Article 16” which allows its suspension, Johnson said in statements to the Sky News Network.

Argentina has been excluded from the list of countries that will receive the Pfizer vaccines that the United States will donate

The provision, provided for by Brexi, creates a customs border in the Irish Sea to prevent the autonomous region of the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland, a member of the EU, from being separated by a hard border which reignites decades of conflict.

London decided to postpone most of the checks because of the problems they generated for the arrival of supplies but mainly because of the anger it aroused among trade unionists, which led to riots, attacks and demonstrations.

G7 summit.  The pandemic and vaccination, two key issues.
Boris Johnson greets Emmanuel Macron with the “elbow” as the G7 “family photo” approaches.

What G7 Presidents Discussed: Behind the Political Scenes

After a meeting with the British Prime Minister, on the sidelines of the G7 summit, the French president, Emmanuel Macron, was prepared today to “reset” the Franco-British relationship, but stressed that this requires “that the British respect the word given to the Europeans”, the AFP news agency reported.

“Both sides must implement what has been agreed. The EU’s unity in this regard is total,” they agreed on Twitter. Ursula von der Leyen Yes Charles Michel, the leaders of the European Commission and the European Council.

A new round between Beijing and Washington to open the G7 summit

Proud of his Irish ancestors, US President Joe Biden also reaffirmed his commitment to protocol, which he said will guarantee peace.

The meeting, which they also attend as guests South Korea, South Africa, Australia and India and UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres is Biden’s first trip to the White House after Donald Trump’s government characterized by the rejection of all kinds of multilateralism.

“Has the United States returned” to the international scene after the Trump years ?, asked reporters during the first meeting between Biden and Macron. – Absolutely, replied the Frenchman.

At the initiative of the Democrat, the The G7 also launched a global infrastructure plan that it will invest hundreds of billions of dollars in “low and middle income countries”, seeking to thwart a Chinese project called “new silk roads”, which consists of major works aimed at strengthening its international influence.

Although “the different G7 partners will have different geographic orientations,” the project “will have a global reach, from Latin America and the Caribbean to Africa and the Pacific,” said the White House.

Here is Convidecia, the Cansino single-dose vaccine arriving in Argentina

“It is not a question of pushing countries to choose between United States and Mentonat. It is a question of proposing another vision and another approach ”, declared a senior American official.

Russia’s influence is also an issue that leaders view with concern and the President of the European Commission has made it clear.

“As Russia continues to undermine the European security order, we can count on a strong transatlantic alliance to meet this challenge,” Von der Leyen said on his Twitter account. Social organizations also made their voices heard at the meeting.

The NGO denounced that the so-called “Carbis Bay Declaration“Stopping new pandemics” does not solve the fundamental problems which prevent vaccines from being accessible to the majority of humanity. “

Campaigners have made their voices heard on the climate front as well, with hundreds of surfers taking to the seas to demand action to protect the ocean.

The G7 must debate formally tomorrow on tackling climate change and conserving biodiversity, setting the stage for the United Nations climate conference, COP26, to be held in November in the Scottish city of Glasgow.

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