The Unknown Side Effects of Owning a Dog, According to Science


A study published a few years ago by Oregon State University reports that it is literally in the genes of dogs to aspire to social interactions with humans (REUTERS)
A study published a few years ago by Oregon State University reports that it is literally in the genes of dogs to aspire to social interactions with humans (REUTERS)

It’s just a fact that our favorite furry friends love us. For example, recent research published in the scientific journal PLOS A found that dogs without prior rescue training instinctively knew how to save their owners in a simulated emergency. When participating owners were “locked” in a box and asked to cry out “help!” “, a third of the dogs not only ran to help, but also figured out how to open the box and save their owner. “Most dogs would run into a burning building just because they can’t stand being separated from their owners. Is it sweet? And if they know you’re in danger, well, that just raises the bar, ”says the study co-author. Joshua Van Bourgo of Arizona State University.

Where does all this canine goodness come from? It appears that it’s in his blood. A study published a few years ago by the Oregon State University reports it is literally in the genes of dogs to aspire to social interactions with humans. But owning a dog has more benefits than loyalty, protection, and companionship when you go out for a morning walk. In fact, Owning a dog can affect your life and your body in several surprising ways.

Having a dog can extend your life

An additional meta-analysis of more than 3.8 million people found that dog owners had a 24% lower risk of all-cause mortality than dog owners and were 65% less likely to have a disease. heart attack (Getty Images)
Additional meta-analysis of over 3.8 million people found that dog owners had a 24% lower risk of all-cause mortality than dog owners and were 65% less likely to have a seizure cardiac (Getty Images)

Without a doubt, bringing a new puppy home can enrich our lives, but there is significant research to suggest that dogs can also prolong our lives. A survey conducted in Sweden and published in the scientific journal Scientific reports found this dog owners had a lower risk of death from cardiovascular problems or all causes during a 12-year follow-up period. Interestingly, this canine protective effect appears to be particularly pronounced in people living alone.

“The results showed that single dog owners had a 33% reduction in the risk of death and an 11% reduction in the risk of myocardial infarction during follow-up compared to non-owners ”, explains the co-author of the study Mwenya Mubanga of Uppsala University. Another interesting finding was that owners of dogs of racial groups originally bred for hunting were more protected ”.

From this work, a further meta-analysis of over 3.8 million people concluded that Dog owners had a 24% lower risk of all-cause mortality than non-dog owners, and they were 65% less likely to have a heart attack.

Having a dog helps sleep

Mayo Clinic study indicates that letting your dog sleep in your bedroom can actually improve sleep efficiency (Getty Images)
Mayo Clinic study indicates that letting your dog sleep in your bedroom can actually improve sleep efficiency (Getty Images)

Sleep is more and more difficult to achieve these days for many of us. And while many dog ​​owners will tell you that it’s a bad idea to let your dog into the bedroom, a study Prepared by the Mayo Clinic, it is said that letting your dog sleep in your bedroom can actually improve sleep efficiency. There is only one caveat: you must not let him get on the bed.

“Most people assume that having animals in the bedroom is a disturbance,” says the study author. Lois Krahn, specialist in sleep medicine at the Sleep Medicine Center on the Mayo Clinic campus in Arizona. “We discovered that many people actually find comfort and a sense of security when sleeping with their pets. “

Having a dog will make you more active

Dogs, unlike many humans, aren't happy to spend the day lazing around (REUTERS)
Dogs, unlike many humans, aren’t happy to spend the day lazing around (REUTERS)

Whether or not you like long walks, If you have a dog, you will need to do some serious footwork to keep your puppy physically happy. Dogs, unlike many humans, are not happy to spend all day lazing around. Our canine friends may need our attention, but also want to exercise.

How Much Daily Exercise is Ideal? The answer strongly depends on the breed and age of your dog. For example, the British veterinary charity PDSA tells us that an adult chihuahua will probably be content with about 30 minutes of exercise per day, while a golden retriever will want to keep moving for at least two cumulative hours.

In addition, a survey that includes more than 3,000 people published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health reports older people who own dogs lead healthier, more active lives. “We were surprised to find that dog walkers were on average more physically active and spent less time sitting on colder, wetter and darker days than dogless walkers on long, sunny and hot summer days.” , explains the chef. study Andy Jones, teacher at University of East Anglia. “The size of the difference we observed between these groups was much larger than what we normally find in interventions such as group physical activity sessions which are often used to help people stay active.” And if you’re curious about all kinds of smart and practical ways, you can move more every day.

Having a dog will reduce your stress levels

According to Hopkins Medicine, spending time with a dog also increases levels of oxytocin, a hormone linked to feelings of well-being (EFE).
According to Hopkins Medicine, spending time with a dog also increases levels of oxytocin, a hormone linked to feelings of well-being (EFE).

There are countless publicized ways to overcome stress, from meditation to dietary supplements, but the easiest solution to stress may be having a dog. A study published by the Washington State University reports just 10 minutes spent petting a dog (or cat) helped stressed students calm down and improve their moods. These students also showed tangible drops of cortisol (one of the main stress hormones) after petting certain puppies.

According to Hopkins Medicine, spending time with a dog it also increases oxytocin levels, a hormone linked to the feeling of well-being.


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