Daniel Ortega’s regime in Nicaragua arrested another opponent, the eighth in 10 days


Tamara Dávila (EFE / Jorge Torres / Archives)
Tamara Dávila (EFE / Jorge Torres / Archives)

Nicaraguan police reported arresting opposition leader Daysi Tamara Dávila Rivas last night. on the charge of “inciting foreign interference in internal affairs” and “demand for military intervention” against the regime led by the Sandinista Daniel Ortega.

The arrest of Blue and White National Unity Political Council Dávila Rivas is the eighth arrest carried out by the national police against dissidents in recent days, including four presidential candidates of Nicaragua.

In a statement, police said Dávila Rivas, daughter of the late retired colonel Irvin Dávila, is in the process of being was investigated “for committing acts which undermine independence, sovereignty and self-determination, inciting foreign interference in internal affairs and calling for military intervention”. Also for “organize with funding from foreign powers to commit acts of terrorism and destabilization, propose and manage economic, commercial and financial blockade operations against the country and its institutions”.

Arrest of Tamara Davila
Arrest of Tamara Davila

Also, by “demand, exalt and applaud the imposition of sanctions against the State of Nicaragua and its citizens, and undermine the supreme interests of the nation“, According to the information.

Police explained that they are basing their accusation on the Law for the Defense of the Rights of the People to Independence, Sovereignty and Self-Determination for Peace, approved by the Sandinista-majority National Assembly in December. latest.

National Unity, the body to which the opposition belongs, denounced that police arrested Dávila Rivas in the presence of her four-year-old daughter at her home in Managua, who was raided.

“(The house) is full of patrol cars and police who are inside, raiding the house. We have lost communication with Tamara, ”said Ana Margarita Vijil, Dávila’s aunt, as the newspaper reported. Press.

Davila, with Violeta Granera, the opponent also detained for the Nicaraguan regime (EFE)
Davila, with Violeta Granera, the opponent also detained for the Nicaraguan regime (EFE)

Nicaraguan Center for Human Rights (Cenidh) condemned arrest and search of Dávila’s house. “The police violently broke into their house without worrying about the presence of a 4-year-old girl. WE DEMAND that the ORMU regime respects their personal integrity, ”they wrote on Twitter, referring to the presidential couple Ortega-Murillo.

Five months before the Nicaraguan elections, to be held on November 7, during which President Daniel Ortega is seeking re-election, several opposition politicians have been arrested, including four presidential candidates.

Nicaraguan police, led by Francisco Díaz, President Ortega’s brother-in-law, hold four opposition presidential candidates: Cristiana Chamorro, Arturo Cruz, Félix Maradiaga and Juan Sebastián Chamorro García.

In addition, the former president of the Superior Council of Private Enterprise (Cosep) José Adán Aguerri, the former vice-chancellor José Pallais, the opposition activist Violeta Granera and two other former collaborators of an NGO were arrested last week for various crimes.

Ortega, 75, returned to power in 2007 and in power since 2017 with his wife and vice-president, Rosario Murillo, is running for the presidency for the eighth time.

The Sandinista leader, described as a “dictator” by the United States, is in his second stage as president of Nicaragua, having coordinated a board of directors from 1979 to 1985 and presided over the country for the first time from 1985 to 1990.

(With information from EFE)


Nicaragua: the IACHR demanded that the Ortega regime report where the opposition Violeta Granera is being held

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