The strong message of the G7 to Vladimir Putin: “Give up your destabilizing behavior”


Vladimir Putin (Reuters)
Vladimir Putin (Reuters)

The Group of Seven (G7) made up of Germany, Canada, the United States, France, Italy, Japan and the United Kingdom called on Russia to abandon its “destabilizing behavior” and to continue “predictable” relations with the group in the context of a series of recommendations to the Russian government issued at the end of the Cornish summit (United Kingdom).

Russia, it must be remembered, was a member of the G8 at the time until it was excluded from the organization for its role in the war in Ukraine and after the group denounced the illegal annexation of the country. Crimea by Moscow, which argues that it was an incorporation ratified in a referendum. “We want to reiterate our interest in stable and predictable relations with Russia, with which we will continue to dialogue in areas of mutual interest,” the G7 said in the statement.

All in all, the G7 reiterates its appeal to Russia “Stop your destabilizing behavior and malicious activities, including your interference in the democratic systems of other countries and to comply with your international human rights obligations and commitments”.

In particular, ask Russia to urgently investigate “the use of a chemical weapon on its own soil” in reference to the attack on the opposition Alexei Navalny with the nerve agent Novichok, which Russia has also denied, and “end its systematic crackdown on civil society and independent media.”

More, he also calls on Moscow to “identify those within its borders who commit computer attacks and other cybercrimes”.

A “new impetus” with Biden

The leaders used the long-awaited in-person meeting to reconnect after four years of discord with Donald Trump. His successor in the White House, Joe Biden, has strived to open a new chapter in the Western alliance, well received by his partners.

Joe Biden after the G7 summit
Joe Biden after the G7 summit

“It’s not that the world has stopped having problems with the election of Joe Biden as President of the United States. But we are working on solutions to these problems with new momentum. And I think it’s very good that we have made it more concrete in this G7, ”said German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Most of the leaders will meet again on Monday in Brussels at a NATO summit, before Biden travels to his first meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Geneva, promising to deliver a strong message.

But first, he and his wife, Jill Biden, will have Sunday tea with Elizabeth II at Windsor Castle. Since her accession to the throne in 1952, the 95-year-old Queen has met with all American presidents except Lyndon B. Johnson (1963-1969).

Meeting with Putin

The American president promised to be “very clear” on his disagreements during his meeting Wednesday in Geneva with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Poutine. Distancing himself from the position of his predecessor Donald Trump, Biden also assured at a press conference that the United States has a “sacred obligation” to defend its NATO allies, which he will meet in Brussels on Monday. .

The summit will take place on June 16 in Geneva and the United States has already announced that there will be no joint press conference. The source explained that the White House felt that “a press conference alone is the appropriate format to communicate clearly with the free press on the issues discussed at the meeting.”

He said they were still finalizing the format of the meeting, but confirmed that both will hold “one working session and a smaller one. We hope that this meeting will be frank and direct ”, he declared.

It will be the first face-to-face between Biden and Putin since the American arrived at the White House in January.


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