Province by province, the vaccination card in Argentina: nearly 30 percent of the population received the first dose


Almost 30% of the Argentine population received the first dose of the vaccine against coronavirus. According to official data, the campaign has reached approximately 13 million people, out of a total of more than 45 million inhabitants. While 3,295,422 received the second and completed the immunization schedule.

So far, at least the first dose of serum has been applied to 28.63% of the total population. Represent 12,991,480 people in the 24 jurisdictions since last December, on a universe of 45,376,763 inhabitants according to the register of the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses in 2020.

The data are presented according to the criteria established by the Ministry of Health, according to the number of inhabitants of each district and the distribution of vaccines.

The number of vaccinated with the first dose until Saturday, province by province

– Province of Buenos Aires, 4,929,598 vaccinated (28.10% of its population).

– City of Buenos Aires, 1,159,946 (37.71%).

– Catamarca, 116,523 (28.05%).

– Chaco, 308,649 (25.62%).

– Chubut, 154,829 (25.01%).

– Cordoba, 1,101,422 (29.29%).

– Corrientes, 296,286 (26.44%).

– Entre Rios, 351,833 (25.39%).

– Formosa, 165,439 (27.34%).

– Jujuy, 242,875 (31.51%).

– La Pampa, 118,816 (33.15%).

– La Rioja, 111,101 (28.23%).

– Mendoza, 571,064 (28.69%).

– Missions, 283,724 (22.49%).

– Neuquén, 179,938 (27.10%).

– Rio Negro, 206,264 (27.59%).

– Salta, 396,264 (27.82%).

– San Juan, 205,296 (26.28%).

– San Luis, 163,614 (32.19%).

– Santa Cruz, 101,147 (27.66%).

– Santa Fe, 1,001,546 (28.32%).

– Santiago del Estero, 273,940 (28.00%).

– Tierra del Fuego, 52,203 (30.10%).

– Tucumán, 499,163 (29.46%).

811,000 doses of AstraZeneca manufactured jointly with Mexico arrived

They are part of the bilateral agreement concluded with the country chaired by Andrés Manuel López Obrador (Photo: Presidency).

On Saturday evening, 811,000 thousand doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine produced jointly with Mexico arrived in the country. They arrived on an Aeroméxico flight.

It is first shipment which comes directly from this country, and which is part of the bilateral agreement by which the active principle is produced in Argentina and then formulated and packaged in Mexico.

To this game will be added 934,200 additional doses from the same lab, produced locally and made in the United States, which will arrive at 6:40 a.m. on Monday.

Emergency use of the Cansino vaccine is authorized

On the other hand, the Minister of Health Carla Vizzotti signed resolution 2021-1671 which authorized use emergency vaccine Convidecia from Cansino Biologics INC, which allows progress to be made in the agreement 5.4 million dose.

He also announced the signing of a new contract with the Chinese Sinopharm for which two million sera will be received by June and four million in July.

As advanced Argentina advances in agreement to manufacture this vaccine in the country, process to be carried out in the plant which Synergy Biotech a in the town of Garín.


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