Evo Morales’ daughter was vaccinated against COVID-19 without being authorized by the age group


Evaluate Morales
Evaluate Morales

Evaliz Morales Alvarado, daughter of former Bolivian President Evo Morales, was vaccinated against COVID-19 without falling into the qualified categories of the vaccination campaign, according to the registration form of the local Ministry of Health.

The information had circulated on social networks and This was confirmed on Sunday by two media specializing in data verification, Bolivia Check Yes Check Bolivia, who shared the officially recorded data.

According to the file, 26-year-old Morales Alvarado received the first dose of Sputnik V in La Paz on May 24, when vaccination was activated for people over 50.

Evaliz Morales vaccination record (image from the Ministry of Health)
Evaliz Morales vaccination record (image from the Ministry of Health)

“The QR code that appears on the vaccination card leads directly to the SUS portal of the Ministry of Health. There, Evaliz data is displayed, which coincides with known public information: full name, date of birth and ID card number, ”Bolivia Verifica reported on its website.

People between the ages of 18 and 29 should be able to get vaccinated in August. But on that date, Morales Alvarado would receive his second dose. (as part of a deferred scheme to increase the number of people protected with a request), since the booklet is scheduled for the 22 of this month.

The daughter of the former president is a civil servant, as she currently works in the state attorney general’s office, but not in an area that warrants her as front-line staff.

At this time, Morales has not clarified the versions. In her social networks, where she is not very active, the latest messages do not refer to the vaccination campaign.

Bolivia currently exceeds 70,000 active cases of COVID, in the midst of a persistent third wave of infections it still does not stop in the country.

Ministry of Health projections for the following days established that the health department La Paz will have a high incidence of infections, in the same way Holy Cross although with little persistent elevation, while Cochabamba should enter a plateau.

Since the end of January, nearly 3 million vaccines have arrived in the country, including supplies of Sinopharm Yes Pfizer that are implemented in the state’s national immunization plan.

They were applied until this weekend 1.5 million first doses and 500 thousand per second Some 7.5 million people are expected to join the “vaccineable population” out of a population of over 11 million.

In the fourth week of this month, the arrival of one million doses of the Sinopharm vaccine is also expected, along with other medical supplies between drugs and testing for COVID-19.

(With information from EFE)


America’s COVID-19 Vaccination Rankings: Map and Statistics

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