the Government authorized the deployment of troops to protect them from attacks


Brazil authorizes dispatch of troops to largest indigenous reserve in the face of attacks

The Brazilian government on Monday authorized the dispatch of agents of the National security force wing Yanomami Reserve, the largest indigenous territory in the country, to suppress the attacks suffered by the aborigines ”minors», Illegal minors.

    Yanomami Reserve

They authorize the deployment of troops in the Yanomami reserve

The dispatch of reinforcements from the National Security Force, an elite militarized police force, was authorized by a decree of Ministry of Justice and National Security published in this Monday’s edition of the Official Journal.

The agents, whose number has not yet been disclosed due to security measures, will set up their base at Good view, the capital of the Amazonian state of Roraima, from where they will strengthen the security of the largest indigenous reserve in the country and provide support to the Indian National Foundation (FUNAI).

In this reserve, with about 9.7 million hectares in the Amazon border region between Brazil and Venezuela, about 26,780 indigenous people from 8 different ethnic groups reside, in their great majority Yanomamis, distributed in small villages.

Yanomami Reserve

Its mineral wealth, mainly gold and timber, has attracted the presence of loggers and “garimpeiros” for decades, which has become a source of permanent conflict and even killings of indigenous people.

According to Yanomami Hatukara Association, which represents the ethnic groups that live on the reserve, currently some 20,000 “garimpeiros” operate illegally in indigenous territory and they not only exploit it, but also pollute their rivers using mercury in their work and transmit diseases to the native population.

The decree authorizing the dispatch of the National Security Force is valid for 90 days, but this period may be extended.


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