They assaulted two women in a house and stole $ 2,000 from them “Diario La Capital de Mar del Plata


Nail couple was arrested on Wednesday for an assault last week in a house in the Villa Primera neighborhood in which two women were robbed of $ 2,000.

The fact studied by the prosecutor Mariano Moyano the past has happened Friday 11 June, in a house in Brandsen at 6100 in which the victims, aged 81 and 33 live. According to the complaint that gave rise to the case, on that day two criminals entered the property through the back door to the patio and reduced them both, then transferred them to a room where they were held. were forced to return the money they kept there.

As he could know THE CAPITAL, the amount withdrawn was $ 2,000. In the meantime, it turned out that the plaintiffs had not been injured or attacked, and the thieves fled in an unknown direction with the money and various valuables.

After conducting a series of investigations, prosecutor Moyano asked the judge guarantees a search warrant in a home of Chile and Avellaneda, in the Centenario district. Once cleared, staff from the Fourth Police Station carried out the operation and managed to locate the suspects.

Among the evidence used against the man in the case are security camera footage that officers were able to identify him. In addition, the couple found and seized a long 22 caliber revolver, a 9 millimeter pistol with magazine and 17 ammunition of the same caliber, three 32 caliber ammunition; six cell phones and the clothes they were using at the time of the event.

Then, in another property searched with the authorization of the Justice of Guarantees, in Venezuela at 1500, nine other people were identified and uniformed officers seized nine cell phones and bullets compatible with 22, 32 and 357 caliber firearms.

In this context, prosecutor Moyano ordered the return of the hijacked phones for expertise, and the transfer to the Director of Penitentiary No. 44 in Batán of the principal accused, as well as the imputation of the woman in a criminal case entitled “Illegal possession of a weapon for civil and war use”.

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