The ephemeris of the day: what happened on June 17 | Facts…


In June 17th anniversary These events that happened on a day like today in Argentina and around the world stand out:

1821. Ten days after being wounded in combat, Martín Miguel de Güemes died at the age of 36. Governor of Salta between May 1815 and April 821, he led the fight against the royalists. Commanding an army of gauchos, he stopped the incursions of the Spanish troops. Nicknamed the “Infernals”, Güemes’ gauchos led a guerrilla war in the North. Güemes is the only Argentine general killed in action during the War of Independence.

1882. In Oranienbaum, current Lomonosov, was born the Russian composer Igor Stravinsky, one of the greatest musicians of the 20th century. His ballets Fire Bird Yes Petrushka they made him a celebrity. The premiere of his next ballet, Spring consecrationIt was a scandal for its rupturism in 1913. The work is considered one of the fundamental pieces of the last century. In addition, he composed The song of the nightingale, Pulcinella, the Symphony of Psalms, Symphonies for wind instruments and a violin concerto, among others. He died in 1971.

1936. One of the icons of political cinema was born: the English director Ken Loach. For The wind that caresses the meadow Yes Yo, Daniel Blake won the Palme d’Or at Cannes, making him one of the few filmmakers to have won the competition twice. Land and freedom, Carla’s song, My name is joe, Bread and roses Yes In a free world are among the strengths of its production.

1972. Five men are arrested as they set up microphones at Democratic Party offices in the Watergate building in Washington. One of them, James McCord, is linked to presidential adviser Gordon Liddy and CIA agent Howard Hunt. Two journalists from The Washington Post They investigate an uninteresting police case and discover an illegal spy ring fired from the White House itself. The results of research by Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward in a book, All the president’s men, for which they receive the Pulitzer Prize. Despite having been re-elected by an overwhelming majority, Richard Nixon is cornered by the scandal that began with the arrest of the so-called “plumbers” and will become the first US president to resign. Much of the investigation is based on an anonymous source, presented as “Deep Throat”, whose identity was revealed in 2005: it was FBI number two, Mark Felt.

1976. The poet Francisco Urondo falls into the hands of a task force of the Mendoza dictatorship with his companion, Alicia Raboy. Urondo, who was active in Motoneros, died when the car they were driving in was pulled over and Raboy has been missing since then. In the operation, they take their eleven-month-old daughter, Angela, who was left in an orphanage, where she was picked up by her maternal grandmother. Born in Santa Fe in 1930, Urondo was one of the most important Argentine poets of the second half of the last century. Author of Old story, In short, Places, Names, among other poems, in addition to story books All that Yes To touch. He also wrote a novel: The previous steps. Public The homeland blow, which compiles the testimonies of survivors of the Trelew massacre; and he was a screenwriter for the film Little Gomez Birdby Rodolfo Kuhn. At the end of 1976, the dictatorship assassinated Urondo’s eldest daughter, Claudia, and her husband. Those responsible for the operation against Urondo and Raboy were convicted in 2011.

1998. Actor Gianni Lunadei committed suicide at the age of 60. He was born in Rome and arrived in the country at the age of twelve. He excelled in theater, film and television. The cycle News table made him popular in the 80’s. During those years he was seen in movies like Soft payment Yes Dr Cureta’s clinic.

In addition, it is World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought, as established by the UN.


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