Sergio Massa spoke of the negotiations with Pfizer: “We find a solution without having to reform the law”


Sergio massa
Sergio massa

Although after the presentation of the laboratories to the Chamber of Deputies to give explanations on the agreements they signed with Argentina, the controversy around Pfizer subsided, the government has not yet managed to communicate concrete progress in negotiations with the American laboratory, who repeatedly explained that a contract could not be closed due to the regulatory framework of local law.

In a conference organized by the Council of the Americas, Sergio Massa, on a trip to the United States (he was in Washington and now in New York), spoke on the subject and anticipated that the national government “He finds a solution without having to reform the law.”

“The issue of vaccines is an issue that concerns us. Since last year, I have been saying that 2021 must find us united and vaccinated. Argentina’s economic recovery will come about if we are united and vaccinated “, said the president of the lower house.

And he clarified that not only does Pfizer have problems with the regulatory framework of Argentine law, but that “there are three laboratories” that he did not mention. In this regard, he expressed: “Whenever there is goodwill, and the President is convinced that he is working with good will so that Argentines have all the vaccines they need and want, we find a solution without having to reform the law ”.

Sergio Massa with Juan González, Key Biden Manager for Latin America
Sergio Massa with Juan González, Key Biden Manager for Latin America

To conclude, the former mayor of the Tigris drew a parallel with financial organizations that are not flexible in finding solutions with Argentina: “Just as I said that there are multilaterals who lack head , there are others who put their minds to resolve them and I think that in resolving the issue of vaccines we are off to a good start. I think we are going to have a very high percentage of the population vaccinated by the end of the year ”.

Regarding the negotiations with the IMF and the Paris Club, Massa warned that the agreements “will be closed when the President and the Minister feel they are closing a agreement favorable to Argentina “and declared:” Our responsibility in terms of payments, deadlines and sustainability is to look not only at the present but also at the future. In the short term, anyone can say “the president can close the deal anything because the other is fixing it” and if Argentina continues to think so, it will never have that credit for the investments. from the private sector.

And he asked himself rhetorically: “How is it possible that the IMF did not suspend at the time of the pandemic the management of interests not only for Argentina, for all countries, knowing that it is the aid instrument par excellence? “

Likewise, the former chief of staff endorses his statements on Nicaragua and human rights after the controversy over Argentina’s abstention at the UN to condemn the Ortega regime: ” There are no double standards when it comes to human rights. Where there are political prisoners, countries must act and we cannot pretend to be distracted. There are no first and second human rights. If there are political prisoners in Nicaragua, Argentina must make its voice heard as much as possible beyond the discussion of the zones ”.

“I am not going to enter into the controversy of what I more or less like about the Secretary General of the OAS (Luis Almagro). It is not worth making it part of the debate. Today, in Nicaragua, opposition leaders are jailed for thinking differently from the government and you should not pretend to be distracted. You have to raise your voice, ”he added.

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