An influencer wanted to trade with a restaurant and the owners’ response went viral


An influencer from Spain contacted a restaurant in Tarragona make The advertisement in the partner networkI Instagram in exchange for a free dinner, commonly called “exchange”. The managers of the gastronomic establishment they refused and his response became a worldwide rage.

It’s about the restaurant “QA”, Whose owners shared screenshots of the exchange they had with the Instagrammer by private message from the social network. There, the managers of the premises qualified the proposal made by the young woman of “lack of empathy” and “opportunism”.

The restaurant shared screenshots of the conversation on their Twitter account. (Photo: Twitter / @AQTgn)

“I saw your restaurant and I would like try it. I thought we could collaborate in a way original Yes amusing. It would consist in coming to taste the restaurant in a free and, in return, would publish all the experience, stories and messages promote the restaurant, what do you think? Thank you very much, ”said the message the influencer sent to the restaurant.

After that, from AQ they replied, “Well, the truth is that we do not advertise in no way for 14 years. That you come to eat for free in our restaurant and that you advertise to us does not seem to us to be nor necessary. neither positiveThis will surely attract more people to ask us for tips ”.

“In the 16 years of the restaurant They passed the best reviews in the country and they always thought (well, by the way) what they thought and paying of course», They added, Ana and Quentin, the owners of the premises.

The account of Twitter from “AQ” posted the conversation on June 7, and the tweet is already racking up over 22,000 “I like and 3400 retweets.

“What if I come and the food is rubbish?” Your followers deserve free review, don’t you think?

Business man Quentin Quinsac, one of the owners of the premises with his wife Ana Ruiz, for his part, he told the newspaper ElHuffPost that the influencer had 18 thousand followers and that the young woman did not “want free dinner with anyone on Saturday ”.

In turn, Quinsac commented on having visited the profile of the young woman and noticed that she had not uploaded any content related to her sector: “I had no gastronomy. It was about creams, products and so on ”.

“It made me feel bad and disputed. I took my time to answer you politely because for me it was important to tell him what I wanted to say “, he concluded.


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